Vampire in Shining Armour

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A/N: So, it's 3:52am where I live, and I can't sleep, and this idea popped into my head while eating a bowl of cornflakes so, yeah. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Disclaimer: I do not own The Originals or Twilight. Those amazing work of arts belong to Julie Plec/L. J. Smith/The CW and Stephenie Meyer.

Thank you to Louisaxo over on for Beta-ing this.


Bella Swan walked down the street on her way home from college at dusk. When the Cullens left her a year ago, she'd taken the money they'd gifted her and used it to go to college in New Orleans, a sunny place where vampires were sure to avoid. She was studying to be a publisher and had a part time job as a waitress in Rousseau's to earn some money. She'd managed to find an apartment across from a compound where a man named Marcel lived.

Bella had just come out of an alley leading on to the street when she was grabbed and thrown against the brick wall of the alley. Gasping, she looked up to see Victoria leaning over her.

"Hello again Bella. Long time no see. Where's your little family?" She sneered.

"Hi Victoria. Nice to see you again. Is this about the whole 'Edward killing James' thing?" At Victoria's snarl, Bella continued. "Ah, so it is. You do realise that it wasn't my fault, right? James attacked me, and Edward killed him. I did nothing except lie on the floor bleeding."

"You think that makes any difference with me? It's your fault that James is dead."

"Oh, you wanna place the blame on someone?" Bella interrupted. "Then fine, let's talk about whose fault it is. If you really want to blame someone for James' death, then blame yourself. You're his mate and yet you weren't there when he needed you to help him. He died alone because instead of being there to help and protect him, you were off stalking my family -"

Victoria cut her off with a roar as she pulled her leg back and stomped on Bella's leg, breaking it. Ironically, it was the same leg that James broke. "Don't you dare talk like this is my fault! It's yours and you are going to pay for it." She shrieked.

Wincing in pain, but managing a weak laugh, Bella told her "If you're going to kill me Victoria then do it."

Grabbing Bella's hair, Victoria smashed her head into the brick wall hard enough to make her bleed but not kill her. Crouching down, she ran her hands through Bella's hair, getting blood on them. Lifting her hand to her nose, Victoria took a sniff and her eyes turned black. Growling, Victoria told her "Oh no, sweetheart. I'm not going to kill you ... yet."

Pulling back, Victoria focused her gaze on Bella's neck. By this time Bella was fading into unconsciousness, but she was able to make out Victoria's red hair suddenly detaching from her body along with the sound of metal tearing. Bella thought she saw the faint glow of fire and a shadow standing over her before the black spots in her vision turned into one solid mass.


Bella slowly came around to hushed voices above her.

"What did you do to her?" A British, female voice hissed.

"I didn't do anything! I saved her from that cold stone, red haired bitch." An offended male British voice whisper-yelled back.

"You know, you two fight a lot more often since Kol came back from the dead." Another, amused British male voice observed.

"Be quiet. Listen to her heartbeat." A different voice hushed them. "She's waking up."

Bella felt her heart quicken as their words registered. They could hear her heartbeat? Vampires. A voice whispered in her mind.

Vampire in Shining Armour || Kol M. & Bella S. [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now