Chapter 5

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"We're going to play catch." She said sweetly as she gently threw the ball at me. Without batting an eyelid, I caught it with one hand.

"Are you serious?" I sighed. 

"Stop pouting and play the god damn game." She gestured for me to throw it back so I decided to play along. We kept lobbing the ball at each other a couple more times before Necro started the conversation again;

"So Mr Social, made any new friends?" She interrogated me in between catching and throwing. Still not breaking my focus on the game, I answered; "Zylen, he can freeze things..." Necro raised her eyebrows as she caught the ball and paused the game.

"He's a little troublemaker but I think he'd help you get out of your shell." 

I felt the muscles in my body twinge at her comment but tried to appear normal. 

"Let's try something different." The tone in her voice sounded cynical; "I'm going to continue to throw and catch the ball. However... You will catch and throw using your telekinesis."

I felt myself gulp impulsively. Without hesitation, Necro threw the ball as hard as she could towards me. I let my power flow through my body and focused my mind onto the incoming ball. It rolled in the air and with my eyes, I forced it to slow down until it stopped completely, inches away from my face. Her silky lips curled into a smile which beckoned me to throw the ball back. Squinting my eyes, I moved the ball using my mind, it was like I was communicating with it mentally and it obeyed my every command. The game carried on like this for a while until Necro spoke up.

"So you gonna kill Zylen too?" Her voice was ice cold. The ball left her hand and hurdled towards me. Before I could reply, I was forced to stop the ball.

"Or... Are you going to kill everyone else in the school?" I let the ball drop to the ground. It thudded and the sound echoed in my ears. Necro glared at me from the other side of the desk. It was as if her eyes saw the darkness inside me and she was trying to get it to surface. I took a long breath and persuaded my body to relax. She won't get to you this time. I focused back on the ball and without touching it, whisked it off the ground and directed it towards the councillor who seemed impressed with the sudden control over my wellbeing. As it continued to fly to her, she spoke up; "What would your mother think if she came home one day and you had killed your entire school?" The ball's pace quickened and changed its' course. We both watched as it flew out of the open window that was directly next to Necro. Still, she carried on; "She'd be distort, I would doubt she'd be able to cope, especially with the reality that her son killed her loving husband still plaguing her conscious."


I yelped, slamming my fists on the arms of the chair. In sync with my movements, the furniture in the room followed, everything in the room rose a couple inches in the air and then smashed into the navy blue carpeted floor. There was a long silence...

"Hahaha!" She giggled.

"What the fuck?"

"You failed your second test. It looks like I will be working with you for a while."

I stood up. This whole thing was bullshit! She shouldn't be allowed to talk about this stuff. I slung my bag over my shoulder and began to walk out. As I reached for the door, my body froze. I was trying to fight Necro's grip on my body but it was useless. She wasn't even allowing me to speak! At this point, my limbs were acting on their own. My whole body shifted and turned towards Necro.

"Little one." Tears started to swell in my eyes as she spoke. "Don't get yourself worked up, crying is for ugly people. I had to see how you reacted for myself. I can't say I didn't mean it. If any part of what I said wasn't true then you wouldn't have reacted that way."

She was right. My emotions settled with the realisation of the truth.

"You don't seem like a bad kid. I hope you don't prove me wrong. Now break time is about to start. I want you to keep what happened in here, in here. Don't go taking your emotions out on the other students, Okay?"

I would have nodded but in my current situation, it was impossible.

"Oh sorry!" She laughed, releasing her magical grip on me. "So we cool?"

"I guess..." Was all I could muster.

The bell for break went so I turned and left the room. It felt like a weight had been lifted when I was away from Necro's presence. I remembered Zylen wanted me to meet him in the cafeteria to introduce me to his friends. Although I wasn't scared of meeting people, I was a little emotionally drained from this mornings events, I didn't really feel like awkward teenage 'hello's and 'what's your name?'s.

I glanced to my right and saw Ike turn a corner, walking my way. Looks like I was being forced to go as inflatable lifejacket would probably try and bounce on me to death. Before he could notice me, I sped walked to the cafeteria and tried to brace myself for the social interaction.

The entrance to the cafeteria was just ahead of me, it was huge! It had at least three floors to it. I was starting to question if I could find Zylen in time before third period. Lucky for me, I could see the blonde-haired punk sitting on the edge of a table by these huge glass panes. He must have spotted me too as he was waving like a maniac. The other people on the table turned their heads to see what their psycho friend was waving at. I giggled to myself, feeling my face slightly redden out of embarrassment. 

I played it cool and casually walked over.

"Guys this dude is awesome! He took down Ike and his loyal guard dogs!" He exclaimed.

"Woah that's fucking badass bro!" A boy said who was sitting across the table from me. He looked kinda familiar. Oh! It was that Latino boy who I saw flying to school this morning. 

"Wait how do you guys know about it?" I questioned, my voice went a bit too high.

"Are you kidding? News flies around this school faster than Kai!" The Latino boy yelled.

"Oh shut up!" Said a kid who was in a wheelchair, next to Zylen. He looked mixed-race and wore a yellow hoodie to cover most of his face. 

I caught the eyes of a girl sitting on the table. She was in class 11C. 

"Ugh boys..." She said before rolling her eyes and crossing her arms at me. She was the one that stopped my fight with Ike. "Great now I have to talk to this short-fused asshat." 

"Play nice Fleur." Zylen remarked. He gestured to the only seat that was next to this 'Fleur' chick. The irony. My muscles tensed as I placed my butt on the stool that wobbled slightly under my weight.

Zylen shouted over the voices in the cafeteria; "Irvin meet the gang, gang meet the Irvin!" 

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