"That thing is junk," I scoffed, "it does a horrible job at following the destination that you put in there."

Levi's eyes widened. "You mean you actually put your address in this thing?" I nodded, looking at him confused. Doesn't he know how those GPS' work? "No wonder that guy was able to find this house," he groaned.

"Speaking of which I need to burn that guy," I heard Layton mutter. 

I was about to say something to him but just shook my head. There's no point in asking why when he probably knows best about handling vampire murders. "What's so bad about the GPS?" I asked.

"Braska, this GPS isn't connected to the satellite, which is why it gave you crappy instructions to your house. This GPS is linked to some laptop. Whoever uses it sees the address you typed down," Layton explained.

I paled. "Wait, so you're telling me that whoever was in cahoots with the guy knows where I live?" I asked, gulping. This was really bad. Dang it, this is what I get for going to someone's house after only knowing them for fifteen minutes.

Listen to your parents kids, don't go to stranger's houses. In fact, don't talk to strangers at all. It's because I talked to strangers that I'm even in this mess!

"There's a way to undo that...right?" I asked, rubbing my forehead. Out of instinct I looked towards the living room and I could see Jason on the couch watching an old cartoon.

Levi shrugged before his eyes widened like he just got an idea. He glanced towards Layton and suddenly seemed nervous. "Okay, I have a plan, but it you may not like it," he said towards Layton.

Layton gave him a suspicious look. "What is it?"

"Don't tell him!" I said to Levi, making him look at me. "Tell me! It's my house that's being targeted and after what happened in Jason's room I know I'm targeted too. This has something to do with me so ask me."

"But this also has something to do with Layton's family," Levi told me, making Layton's head snap up at him.

"What does this have to do with them?" he asked. There was no hint of anger in his voice, just curiosity, so it didn't seem like he hated his parents or his parents hated him. 

"Maybe Maybelle can help. She's one of the best at tracking along with her soulmate. Put those two together in this case and you'll have your guy in no time," Levi explained.

"I already know that Karla did this though, I don't need to go to them to figure out that it was Karla who's behind this. I just don't get why she's still so angry after all these years," he said, mostly to himself.

"What?" I asked. All this bad chemistry about Karla seems to be connected to the past, and since it now involves me, I want to know.

"You know Karla isn't dumb enough to keep the laptop herself. Dude, admit it or not, she's hot. She's got to have some guys working for her in exchange for something that isn't cash, if you know what I mean," Levi said, throwing a suggestive look at me.

I grimaced at the hint and shook my head at him. Layton did not look amused at all and I could tell he was about to tell Levi off before he interrupted him. "If we get both of them on the case, then they'll be able to track the laptop and pinpoint where it is. If we're lucky, they'll even be able to warn the hunters to stay away," he said.

Layton was silent for a while before he muttered something so low that even Levi couldn't hear it. "What?" he asked, moving closer.

"I said fine!" he shouted, making Levi flinch back a little before glaring at him. "Although I think the both of them are in vacation in Italy or something so good luck with that," he smirked, smiling like he just won.

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