Chapter One

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( Thanks for all of the reads so far! I hope you all enjoy my Fan-Fiction! )

One hot summer day, Piper and some of her friends decided to go to downtown Nashville and shop like they usually do every once in a while.

As they walked around they noticed that there was a huge crowd of girls running down the street, and just all around downtown Nashville.

Her friend Morgan said, "Why is there so many people?" Piper said, "I have no idea, usually there aren't this many girls." Her other friend, Lucy, spoke up,"I think that Hayes Grier meet and greet is today!" Piper responded,"Oh, I don't understand why everyone is so obsessed with Magcon and 26Mgmt."

"They are obsessed because they are so cute! I really wanted to go to the Hayes Grier meet up, but my mom wouldn't let me go." said Lucy.

Just as Lucy finished talking a door opened right in front of them. They weren't paying attention when Piper bumped into someone.

Her purse fell from her shoulder and all of her stuff fell out. She bent down to put everything back in her purse when she heard the person say,"Oh, hey I'm so sorry I didn't know you were behind the door."

He bent down and helped her gather all of her things.

Piper looked up and said,"It's okay I wasn't paying attention either."

When she finished her sentence she noticed that the boy looked familiar. He had dark brown hair with eyes the color of the ocean.

Then it hit her.

He was Hayes Grier.

Since she wasn't obsessed or a fan of Magcon or 26Mgmt she didn't really have a reaction.

She talked to him like a normal person.

"You're Hayes Grier, right?"


"Oh that's cool."

"Yeah, well sorry about that I have to go before people start to notice me."

He turned around and noticed her two friends standing there with wide eyes, and the girl one on the right, Lucy, with a wild look.

Morgan and Lucy both asked for pictures and autographs. It was like a free meet and greet to them since they just happen to run into him on the streets.

He took a picture with Piper just because Piper thought it was pretty cool that she got to meet Hayes Grier.

Hayes and Piper kept talking until they noticed girls running there way.

Hayes didn't mind Piper because she was treating him like normal person, and that rarely happens.

All the girls were crowed around Hayes, so Piper and her friends walked the other way back to the area where Pipers mom was waiting to take them home.

Piper turned around to look at Hayes and all she saw was a huge group of girls crowded around him.

Just before she turned back around, Hayes looked back at her.

( Sorry for such a short chapter! Please vote for longer chapters! Thanks! )

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