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( Hi everyone I would just like to say thank you for clicking on my fanfiction, and I would like to apologize in advance for any grammer/spelling/punctuation errors! )

This Fanfiction is dedicated to one of my best friends Piper, whos love for Hayes Grier is more extraordinary than the average person!

There was girl, who lived just like every other person.

She stood 5'1 with medium length, light brown hair. She was going into her last year of middle school, 8th grade. She was your typical teenage girl who stayed up late, and would sleep in for most of the day. Although she engaged in every social media, she didn't obsess in famous people.

Little did she know that in the summer of 2014 her life would change forever.

( I will try to update the story whenever I can with semi-long chapters! Please vote if you like this little snipit of the story and want some chapters! Thank you! )

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