"No. I don't." I answered. "You're telling me, after all those months we were together, you have no feelings for me?" He asked. I just looked down, "Look, I love Toni now. Okay?" I replied. "You didn't answer my question." He said as he looked at me. "I only have feelings for my girlfriend. Not you. Not anyone. Just her." I answered truthfully. He then kissed me again, and put his hand on my thigh. "Archie. Archie, stop." I said as I tried to push him off. He put his hand on my pussy and tried to get his hand in my pants. I finally got him off and got off the bed. "I'm going to bed." I said as I began to leave the room. "It's early.." He said disappointed. "Yeah, well.. whatever." I replied. "Okay fine. But I need to take you down there. I don't really trust you." He commented as he got off the bed and led me to the basement. There was a bed down there, to my luck, but it was missing one thing... my girlfriend. I sighed as I went over to the bed. "I have no clothes. Am I supposed to wear the same thing all week?" I said annoyed. "You can borrow some of my old t-shirts and sweatpants." He said. "Oh, joy." I said sarcastically. "Don't act all disapointed, I saw you wearing sweats and a hoodie the other day." He said to me. "That was Toni's clothes. I only wear that stuff, if it's Toni's." I replied as I crossed my arms. "Whatever." He said as he began to walk up the stairs. I could hear him lock the door once he was all the way up. I just laid down in the bed and closed my eyes. The thought of Toni circled my brain. What was she thinking right now? I thought to myself worried as tears came down my face. I looked at my bandaged up arm and sighed. Toni's gonna be so disappointed in me. 

Three days later...

Toni's POV:

It's been three days since Cheryl said she didn't want to be with me anymore. I've tried calling her a few times but she never answers. How could she feel this way all of a sudden? It doesn't make sense to me. At all. How could she go from wanting to bring her stuff to my trailer, to staying in her room to move back home? Something wasn't right. Maybe her mother threatened me to her when she was upstairs? Maybe she said if she didn't move back home and break up with me, she would severely hurt me or something. It's the only thing that makes sense. That explains her texts. Her mom probably supervises her messages. I needed to talk to her in person. I knew that would be hard, considering her parents are home and I could't just climb up to Cheryl's bedroom window cause of my cane. I decided there was only one thing I could do. Call Nana Rose. I called the thistle house land line and just to my luck, nana answered. 

"Hello?"- Nana

"Hi, Nana Rose? It's Toni." 

"Hello dear." -Nana

"Cheryl texted me saying she didn't want to be with me anymore. Somethings wrong and I need to see her in person."

"That's really odd... I haven't even seen her in days. Guess she's been cooped up in her room. Her mother says that, at least."-Nana

"Is there any way I could get into the house without Penelope or Clifford seeing me? I need your help. Please." 

"Well, there is a secret door in Cheryl's room that leads outside. If you go in her closet, there's a secret door. You open it and just go down the stairs and it leads right to outside. If you want to come in from the outside, you just go to the side of the house, and open the red door and it's usually locked. You'll find the key in the flower pot hanging from the awning." -Nana

"Okay, thank you so much." I finished as I hung up the phone and left my trailer to speak to Cheryl. Once I got there, I snuck to the side of the house where Nana Rose said the door was. I found the key, and unlocked the door as I quietly walked up the stairs and into Cheryl's bedroom. "Cheryl?" I whispered as I looked around her room to find she wasn't there. Something was definitely wrong. There was now no doubt in my mind Mrs. Blossom did something to her. and now that I knew about the secret door, It was a definite possibility she got her out of the house without leaving a trace. but where could she be? Back at the sisters? No. That'd be too easy. I decided I was gonna find out. I stormed out of Cheryl's room and down the stairs to find Mrs. Blossom. I looked at her and spoke.Clearly out of breath from coming down the stairs so fast with my cane.  "What did you do to Cheryl? She isn't in her room and I know you must have her phone so give it to me." I said annoyed. I saw Nana Rose look at me from a far, seeming confused. Just then Mrs. Blossom turned to face me. "How did you get into this house?" She asked me. I looked at Nana, then back to Mrs. Blossom. "It doesn't matter how I got into the house. The point is that I did. and I know Cheryl isn't here so where the hell is she?!" I said, raising my tone. Before Mrs. Blossom could answer, the front door of thistle house opened. There stood Veronica, standing next to a soaking wet Cheryl Blossom. She was drenched from head to toe, and her eyes were stained with mascara from crying. I saw the bruises on her face and her arm was all bandaged up. "Oh my god... what the hell happened?!" I asked concerned. Just then Cheryl looked at me, once she saw me she let more tears fall as she ran into my arms and hugged me. I just held her close. "We went to your trailer first.. when we saw you weren't there, we tried every possible place you could be. This was the last place to check." Veronica said, sounding upset. "Guys... what happened? and why are you all wet?" I asked as I looked at Cheryl who finally let go of me. "Well..." Veronica began, "I went to Archie's house to confront him and tell him to stop calling and sending flirty messages to my girlfriend. Before he could respond to that, I heard a loud smashing sound from what sounded like it came from his bedroom...I could tell from the look on his face he was hiding something, so I pushed passed him with force, and ran upstairs to his room. The window was smashed open. I looked down to find that Cheryl jumped out of the window and fell into his pool. I ran outside to help Cheryl out and--" Veronica continued but Cheryl cut her off. "I was trapped there. Because my mother, thought if I stayed there with him he could turn me straight. She literally beat me to death and dragged me to his house. He kissed me every single day I was there, he tried to rape me twice, until yesterday when he actually did. He beat my face up when I refused, till he held me down and raped me. He didn't even use protection. I was so freaked out I went to bed early. I had to sleep in the basement since there was no way for me to escape. It was horrible. Archie had my phone the whole time so I couldn't call you, Toni." She said with tears in her eyes. "oh my god, Cheryl.." I said as I took her arm, but she winced in pain. "Cheryl... what happened to your arm?" I asked worried. "I..." She began but she was choked up on her tears. "Y-you did that?" I said as my heart broke. She just looked at me sadly, "I'm so sorry... I never wanted to disappoint you and I never wanted to leave you either I'm so sorry." She said as she took me in her arms and cried into my shoulder. Veronica just stood there in shock. "Wow... I didn't know all of that. She was silent the whole time she was with me. The only thing she told me was that he held her hostage and abused her." V said. "I swear to god I'm gonna kill Archie... and you." I said as I turned to Mrs. Blossom. "Don't worry about that... I already called the cops on Archie." V said. "Yeah and what about her?" I said as I pointed to Mrs. Blossom. "Well, ya see... That's where she gets a choice.." V said as she began to walk up to mrs. blossom. "You will leave Riverdale, you and your husband, for good. and if either of you ever come back, even for a second... you'll spend the rest of your lives in prison. I promise you that." Veronica threatened. "Cheryl is going to get thistlehouse all to herself, and her Nana. and Toni, if they'll have her." V added. "Of course she's welcome." Nana Rose interrupted. I just held on to Cheryl's hand as Penelope stormed off to pack her stuff. We were finally going to have a real home, together. and with no one to stand in the way. No more blood shed. "Thanks V.." Cheryl said as she smiled a little at her. Just then, Cheryl, Veronica and I pulled eachother into a big hug. "I love you guys." Cheryl said into the hug. 

S.L.U.T (She Loves U Though) #CHONI STORY!!Where stories live. Discover now