when you break up

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- Just a sobbing mess
- Always wears sunglasses to hide his puffy eyes
- Swears to everyone that he is okay
- He's really not

- Extreme mood swings
- Really irritable
- Snaps on anyone who tries to talk to him
- Refuses to leave his house sometimes

- Locks himself inside his room
- Stares at the gifts you gave him for past birthdays and Christmases
- His face is always red and blotchy
- A mess

- Cuts everyone out
- Won't speak to anyone
- Stares at old pictures you took together
- Sobbing in his bed at night

- Isn't hyper anymore
- He can never focus
- One day he just broke down and told his mom everything
- "Oh God I miss her so much "

- Acts like everything is fine
- Breaking inside
- Cries at 3 in the morning by himself
- Just can't get over it

- Always pulling at her hair
- Listening to music at full volume to distract her
- It doesn't work

- Literally destroys his room
- He just can't handle it
- Scrolling through your Instagram and silently crying

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