Chapter 19

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I walk out of the building. I don't know where to go. I just don't wanna be here. I lean up against the wall and slump down. I cry and cry and I can't stop. I hear someone walking.

"Are you alright?" I hear a man say. I look up. I've seen him somewhere, I just don't remember where.

"I...." I look down. "I'm fine."

"You don't look like it," he says. He sits down next to me. "I'll spill what's wrong, if you spill what's wrong."

I sigh. "Fine," I start. "I just gave up the person I liked to be with some other person..."

"Looks like we're in the same boat here," he says.

"It sucks doesn't it?" I ask and look at him.

"Feels like your heart is being ripped out and stomped on," he responded.

"Exactly," I say. He gets up and puts his hand out, I take it and get up.

"I'm John Laurens, it's a pleasure to meet you, your highness," He says, kissing my hand. Oh right, I remember him, he's Alex's friend.

"Just call me [Y/N], oh and the pleasure is all mine," I responded.

"Come walk with me, we can talk about the despair we're going through," John says over dramatically. I laugh with the tears still in my eyes.I wipe them away and we start walking around.

"Like, I really wanna be with this person, but I guess god hates me..." I say and look at him. He smiles.

"God must hate both of us then. Not letting us be with the people we want. It sucks," he says and stops smiling. "It's pretty sad."

"Yeah, even my guard has better luck than us. He scored a lady like a few minutes after we got here," I say.

"Really? That sucks. I wish life was easy," he states. I nod.

"Yeah, but I blame my sucky life all on my father, it's his fault everyone hated me and it's his fault I can't have the person I like," I say.

"Preach sister," he responds and high fives me.

We talk and walk around for a while. He's nice. Too nice. I feel like he might have different motives, but I'll trust him for now. I look around at where we're walking. It's dark out and people have candles lit. It's pretty. I've never been on this side of town, but it looks very sweet.

"Y'know, I thought today was going to be a good day, but of course all of this had to fuck it up," John says out of the blue.

"Yeah. I was expecting an awesome night, but I just feel like shit," I mutter. John smiles.

"I like to think that it'll get better for people like us, one day, all of this won't matter and we'll think back and laugh about this," he inquires. He frowns, looks up at the sky, and smiles again. He's a weird man and I can't really tell what he's thinking, I'll admit that, but he kinda has a charm to him. He's kinda like an older brother. "But," he starts, he looks at me still smiling. "I don't like dwelling on the future or past too much, the present is the truest present from god. Also, oh... I'm rambling, sorry."

"No, it's fine, we should probably go back to the ball," I suggest. He nods and we walk back in silence, if I didn't already have my eyes on Alex, I probably would've fallen for him. (AND IF YOU DO LOVE JOHN, I SUGGEST GOING TO READ MY OTHER FANFIC IF YOU HAVEN'T READ IT YET! IT'S CALLED"WHY DO YOU LOVE ME?" AND I REALLY LIKE IT! THX FOR READING MY SELF PROMO!)

Like I said before, he's like a brother. I really hope everything turns out in the end. Especially for him, he's really nice and doesn't deserve a bad life.

Hellohellohello! I'm back!! Sorry for my little break! Don't worry, I'm happy again! I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Thanks so much for reading and I'll see y'all later BAII!!


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