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*Four months later*

"Taeeeeee! Get your cute ass out of bed already, we have to meet Yoongi hyung and Seokjin hyung in 20 minutes!" Jeongguk yelled out to his boyfriend who was proving to be very frustrating at the moment.

Jeongguk smiled. Boyfriend. Him and Taehyung had started dating a month or so after the day they first... you know. He still couldn't believe it. It was like a dream. Being with Taehyung made him so happy. Sure, they fought and disagreed often, but their feelings for each other trumped any argument they had. He leaned over Taehyung, supporting himself on his arms.

Taehyung groaned out loud under the sheets. He peeked his head out to find Jeongguk staring hard at him. "Do we have to go? I'd much rather spend the day in bed with you. And I know you would too." He waggled his eyebrows at his boyfriend.

"You horn dog, it's as if we don't already spend whatever time we can in that bed. Come oooonnn get up! Please? For me?" Jutting out his bottom lip, Jeongguk looked at Taehyung with big, wide eyes.

And just like that, Taehyung's resolve crumbled. Damn that look. He could never resist. He sighed. "Ya, you brat, fine. I'm up." He threw the covers off and Jeongguk smiled a little before giving his adorable boyfriend a quick peck on the lips before skipping into the living room.

Taehyung clicked his teeth and grumbled under his breath before getting up to shower. Afterwards he got ready quickly and strolled into the living room where Jeongguk was seated on the couch with his phone in hand. Taehyung plopped himself down onto the couch next his boyfriend, making the latter look up from his screen and smile widely at the former.

"See, baby? That wasn't so hard, and we're gonna have so much fun with Yoongi hyung and Seokjin hyung."

"Yeah, yeah. I'd rather have fun with just you, though."

Taehyung placed his hand on Jeongguk's jean clad thigh, and slowly trailed it upwards. Jeongguk's breath caught in his throat. "Tae, we're gonna be late. Don't start something you can't finish."

Taehyung smirked, "Who said I can't finish?" Then his hands found Jeongguk's face and he smashed their lips together.

Jeongguk immediately gave in and reciprocated the kiss, tangling his fingers through Taehyung's silky black locks. "I hate you so much." he breathed out between kisses.

"No you don't, you love me." Taehyung teased.

Jeongguk stopped abruptly. "Actually Tae... I do love you. Really. I know it's only been a couple months and maybe it's too soon but I just wanted to say it because you make me really happy and I care about you so much. I love you, Tae. You don't have to say it back or anything, I don't want to make you feel press-" He was cut off by the feel of Taehyung's lips on his again.

"Say it again." Taehyung breathed.

"I love you, Tae. So fucking much."

Taehyung kissed him once again before pulling away and resting his forehead on Jeongguk's. "I love you too, Guk. If it wasn't obvious, I'm irrevocably in love with you. You have my heart in your hands."

Jeongguk's eyes widened and he burst out into a huge grin that spread from ear to ear. He looped his arms around Taehyung's neck and molded their lips together once again, while Taehyung climbed on top of him, already beginning to tug off his shirt.

And that's how they became late to their double date with Yoongi and Seokjin.


I GUESS THIS BOOK IS OVER??? how did that happen oh my lord i'm gonna miss my babies so much.

i wanted to make the epilogue a little longer, but idk i couldn't think of anything else to write so hopefully you enjoy this cute little fast forward scene,,,

ok but srsly if you read this book and commented or vote i love you so much thank youuuu so much

that's enough softness for today lmao

til my next au (which i already have an idea for), take care stay safe ily 💗💗💗💗 annyeong

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