Chapter 5-Training begins

Start from the beginning

forward and so did jones. He walked beside her pointing to the direction he wanted her to go, and she followed. They went down corridors that were quite narrow, round corners, through doors. Each one

being given an in depth description on what it is, why its there, and its entire history. Chika wasn't listening to any of the stuff Jones was telling her. She just became fascinated by the amount of things they had.

The way they had addapted to survive.

At the end of the tour, he looks at Chika with seriousness and spoke just as sincere "We are going to interrogate the lizard. Do you want to watch, but there is one condtion and thats no interfereance what-so


"Yep, okay." She said excitedly. She didn't what was speaking though. Whether it was the excitment to see something new, to watch as everyone becomes one step closer to finding out what happened to

Maria, or revenge. But whichever it was she felt at the moment, It was good in a way.

They walked side by side, in silence, to the prison area. "In here." Jones told her, pointing to a room on the left. "I'll go get the lizard."

Chika was left in the room on her own. On her right was only a piece of glass. Through that glass was a small room, decorated with plain white paint. It was dirty and becoming more of a cream. A metal table

and several chairs were in the middle of the room. The door opened into the room. A green lizard cross human creature was being pushed in. It was bound with sparkling shackles. Its legs were also bound. It

wore a white, full body suit, which also had a blue sparkle to it. Two gaurds with tazers on a meter long pole followed the creature in and stood gaurd. Jones was last to enter. He sat opposite the creature,

who was facing the glass. It sniffed deeply as he sat down.

"Something to say?" Jones asked noticing the sniff.

"You have the girl behind that glass." The lizard said calmly in its distorted voice.

"Do i?"

"Don't deny it!" The lizard snarled. It looked scary. Its millions of short and sharp teeth. Ready to tear apart Jones should it feel brave enough, but it felt the gaurds tense up so it retreated and went back to

being calm.

Jones let out a smile. "Intimidating, but you'll have to try a bit harder to scare me."

The lizard just snarled, showing its front teeth. Chika felt a blanket of fear engulf her, and realised the lizard wasn't listening to Jones but was staring at the glass. Chika's eyes met the lizards, and it knew it had

found her gaze. In less than a second, the lzard was up and out of its seat, acroos the table, over Jones and through the thick 'Protective' observation glass. Chika's first reaction was to duck and sheild her face

from the flying glass.the lizard was on its feet as quickly as it came through the glass. It snarled and as Chika looked up at it, she saw it was drooling saliva. It wanted her blood. Chika rose to her feet, and

looked through the broken glass to the room beyond. Jones gave her a reassuring nod. Chika was given permission to fight. So thats exactly what she intended to do.

The lizard took a firm stance and waited for Chika's move. She stared at its small dark eyes. Her fear was fought away by anger and revenge, which was pushed away by determination and a want to succeed.

'Its just training. A simulation.' She said to herself as she drew long breaths.

She stood staring, waiting for the lizard to move. Staring it out and just waiting for it to twitch forward, even slightly. In the end the lizard got bored and and jumped forward. It hit a wall of fire, and fell into a

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2012 ⏰

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