"The Shining Beacon Part One"

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Reader Pov

So after a long time of waiting we finally made it to beacon academy, we all got off the ship and headed towards the school I mean except for vomit boy who was still throwing up in the trash can. I know I shouldn't be calling people any type of bad names but to be fair I didn't even know his real one and so yeah.

Me and ruby couldn't help but admire how big the school was I mean granted Atlas had a big one to but this one was obviously different.

Rubi:Oh Yang! Look at all these weapons I mean that girl has a fire sword!

Yang:Easy there little brother they are just weapons

Rubi:Yang there aren't just weapons they are an extinction of ourselves oh they are just so cool

Yang:Well why can't you just swoon over your own weapon I mean aren't you happy with it

Rubi:Of course I am happy with crescent rose I just love seeing new ones, it's like meeting new people but better

(Name):~gasp~ Hey so does that mean you favor a weapon over me

Rubi:What! N..no I only m..meant I just love weapons a lot l..like don't get me wrong you are a great person and I am glad to have met you i..it's j..just

(Name):~laughs~ Relax rubi I was only joking around

Rubi:Oh good because I hate to make you angry I mean even if you were I still think you were cute

(Name):~blush~ You think I'm cute

Rubi:~blush~ Huh?! N..no I didn't you must have misheard me

Yang:Aw my brother is in love

Rubi:Shut up yang!

Yang:Yeah yeah but anyway rubi why don't you and (name) go make some friends of your own

Rubi:But why when we have each other and also you

Yang:Well you see my friends are already here and I have to go so bye!

Rubi:Wait! But don't we have to go find out dorms, do we any have dorms ~sigh~ I don't know what I'm doing

(Name):It's okay I am sure we will find them
easy let's start by going this wa...

I accidentally tripped over some luggage that was next to me and fall on top of it knocking a lot of dust out of it.

Wiss:Oh are you kidding me

I look up to see a guy wearing a white suit with red underneath I immediately recognize him as Wiss Schnee the heir to the schnee corporation. Once he saw my face his eyes widened and I could see a faint blush on cheeks but he quickly dismissed it and held out his hand.

Wiss:I..I hope you are alright my lady would you please take my hand

I gladly took his hand and got up while dusting off the dust that was on my dress apparently rubi was too close to me when I did that because he sneezed on some fire dust making a burst of fire come out.

Wiss:Ugh, you idiot you could have almost hit us I mean this is highly purified dust by the schnee quarry


Wiss:What are you braindead dust you know ice, fire, water, lightning I mean is any of this sinking in what do you have to say for yourself

Rubi:I'm really sorry!

Wiss:~sigh~ You complete dolt, what are you even doing here aren't you a little young to be attending this school

Rubi:Hey I said I was sorry prince

Blake:It's hier actually, wiss schnee hier to the schnee dust company one of the largest producers of energy propellent in the world

Wiss:~smile~ Hm, finally some recognition...

Blake:The same company infamous for its controversial labor forcements and questionable business partners

Wiss:What! How dare you

Me and rubi laughed quietly at wiss breakdown like you could almost see steam coming out of his ears.

Wiss:You know what whatever, come my lady I don't someone like you should be around these idiots any longer

(Name):That seems like a nice offer but no because you see I take them over someone who is snobby like you any day

His eyes widened again like he didn't think I would say that but he just did an annoyed sigh and left the three of us alone.

(Name):Man is he a hotcase but hey thanks a lot for getting him off of rubi um you...

Blake:My names blake and it was no problem

Afterwards he left too leaving me and rubi alone once again; really it's our first day in this place and we are already stirring up drama.

Rubi:Heh, welcome to beacon eh

(Name):Yeah I know that was a bit of a disaster

Jaune:I can see that the two of you are having trouble, hello I am Jaune Arc

Rubi:The names Rubi rose and this is (Name) (last name) also aren't you the guy that threw up on the plane

Jaune:motion sickness is a more common problem than people let on

Rubi:Well I'm sorry vomit boy was the first thing that came to mind

Jaune:Oh yeah well why if I called you crater face

Rubi:Hey that explosion was an accident

(Name):It really was and besides it was partially my fault so don't put all the blame on rubi

Rubi:That's appreciated but you don't have to take the fall for me I don't want you to get blamed more than me

(Name):Aw that's so nice that you care that much about me rubi

I look over at jaune to see that he had a tint of jealousy in his eyes I mean I don't see why rubi and I are just friends.

Rubi:So anyway I got this thing ~pulls out crescent rose~

Jaune:Whoa! Is that a scythe

Rubi:It's also a customizable high impact sniper rifle


Rubi:It's also a gun


Rubi:So what do you have

Jaune:Oh well I got this sword but that's pretty much it and also my shield that turns smaller

(Name):That is still a pretty cool weapon, look even if it's not that much you should still love the weapon that you have

Jaune:Why thank you (name) I am actually starting to feel better about having my sword now

Rubi:Uh huh not many people have an appreciation for the classics these days, anyway so why did you help us out back there

Jaune:Eh why not my mom always say strangers are just friends you haven't met yet

(Name):I guess that's how me and rubi get along so well

Rubi:~smile~ Yep, wait where are we going again

Jaune:I don't know I was following you two

(Name):😅 Great and now we are back to square one man is this going to be a long day

(A/n So was this good I hope so because if not then you shall perish 😂 but really though I hope you enjoyed it and there will be better chapters then this catch ya later)

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