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I walked the streets of south Boston, I had already taken out three of the men on my list. The sun was high overhead, as I found a tree to cover myself with as I went over the last two names. One of them stuck out, Zimo, something in the back of my head kept going off like a fire alarm and I couldn't place where I knew that name from.
I flicked over to my contacts, pressed Steve's name and put the phone to my ear.
"Hey beautiful." His smooth voice greeted me, I could hear someone begging for release in the background.
"Oh, if your busy I can call you back." I told him nonchalantly.
"No, I'm not that busy." He chuckled as I heard his gun go off. "Well, not anymore at least, what's going on?"
"Do you remember the name Zimo?" I asked, watching people walk around the park, feeling sweat trickle down my spine.
"Vaguely, wasn't he that kid who ended up killing a bunch of animals and that boy down the street from the home?" I heard him reply, and then it was like the events came whirling back to my mind. Dark oily hair, vacant eyes, weird accent.
"Yeah, I think that's him." I said slowly, a chill ran down my spine, long buried flashback hitting me full force. Zimo had been ruthless, he had been the one who had been the closest to raping me. He also beat me to the point of hospitalization. He was something we never talked about, at my urging, I wanted to forget and had forgotten.
"Fuck, I thought they told him never to step foot in Boston, why?" I could hear that he was walking on the other end, the sound of traffic in the background.
"That would explain why his name is on my list then." I sighed, leaning my back against the rough bark of the tree. I pressed my palm to my forehead, out of all the people I had to get the name of, Zimo was the one I didn't want to see.
Where as Bucky is a ruthless executioner, Zimo was just ruthless. He didn't follow any of the rules in the home, killed because the sky was blue, and enjoyed watching the pain in other people's eyes. I knew that one from experience. I took a deep breath, a slight tremor coursing it's way through my body despite the heavy heat that hung in the Boston air.
"You think you have time to meet me in central say in like two hours?" I asked, that should give me enough time to kill the other bastard on my list.
"Want me text Bucky?" He asked, I heard the car door shut on the other side.
"Yeah, go ahead. I'll see you in a while."
"You too, and take it easy out there, love you."
"Love you too." I ended the call, alright Fransico, where were you hiding?
Turns out Fransico was hiding at Luigi's house cause Vinny didn't think roughing up a priest was that severe of a crime. However once I explained, semi politely, that Fransico's roughing up left the priest in a vegetive state in the south Boston hospital he was more then willing to hand over his second cousin three times removed on his sister in laws right side.
I pulled my motorcycle up to the tiny little cafe, killing it as I parked. I swung my leg over the seat and walked into the building. It was like all cafes, small, overly cute. Stupid names on the menu, girly. I was hungry and not in the mood to analyze the place any further. I grabbed my order and walked out to the sidewalk seating and waited.
I heard the deep rumble of Bucky's Harley before it even turned down the street. My eyes darted up as he parked at the nose of my silver crotch rocket. He walked over, pulling the helmet off leaning down and kissed me before going in to order. Steve pulled up in his sleek black corvette, the nose of his car just barely resting against my back tire.
He stepped out and walked over, placing a gentle kiss on my lips before heading inside to go order like Bucky had. I waited patiently for them to come out before I started to even think about eating. A weird ritual for the three of us when we knew we would be having a meal together.
"What's going on?" Bucky asked as he sat down, Steve following suit.
"One of the names on her death list, Zimo." Steve stated picking up his sandwich taking a bite.
"That guy?" Bucky questioned him, eyeing the dark blonde on his left.
"You know him?" I asked, taking a bite of my own food.
"Yeah, I was the one in charge of making sure he understood that under no circumstances was he allowed to step foot over the Boston city line." Bucky replied, his eyes flickered over to me. "Then I had to go over to Needham and ended up running him out there after he killed Killian. I was supposed to kill him, but he had vanished by the time I got there."
"Who's Killian?" I asked, looking over at the broody brunette.
"Killian was part of the Order. Every city has one, however after Killian's death they never replaced him because Boston has three in the Order, that's another reason I went after Jonesy last night. He's been laying low in Needham since you gave him his warning." Bucky explained wiping his mouth with the paper napkin. "I've been waiting to hear from contacts that he's resurfaced."
      "Well, evidently he has, in south Boston." I grumbled, leaning back in my chair staring at my half eaten food, suddenly not hungry.
       "Lucky you." Bucky's voice was sarcastic, as he took the last bite of his food.
      "Zimo put Kara in intensive care for two days back when we were training." Steve's gazed flicked from me to Bucky. "I don't like this."
       "I never said I did." Bucky almost growled at Steve. "But, he's on her death list, she has to be the one to deal with him. If he showed on the hit list then the three of us could go after him, but that's not the case, he can't be on that list because he was never made an executioner."
       "Buck, she can't go after him alone." Steve glared hard at the other man, the tension between the two had risen.
       "Steve." Bucky warned, his voice lowering an octave, his eyes narrowing at the other man.
     You'd think Steve would be the one to follow rules and Bucky would be the rebel. Nope, quite the opposite actually. If Steve had it his way, the three of us would always work in tandem, unfortunately we can't, not on the death list at least. And being that Bucky was the leader of our sect of the Order he followed the rules closely, even when those matters could put Steve or I in a dangerous situation. This was one of those situations.
   Zimo's unstable mentality and violent nature has already landed me in the hospital on more then one occasion. It could easily land me in the morgue if I wasn't careful. This is where having back up had paid off in the group home, Steve always at my back. Since then though Bucky would make it where whole weeks where the two of us were forced to train with him alone.
     I didn't realize it then, but this was the reason why.

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