"Let me see that stupid video again, there has to be something in it that can ruin that girl's fûcking life." I groaned.

"Well." My eyes fixated on Ian as he stood up off of his seat. He dropped his can on the ground before dragging his feet over to his bedroom. When he came back out, he had a black laptop in his arms. "Cole left his laptop here a few days ago and still hasn't come back for it yet."

"And what am I supposed to do with this?"

"Find evidence, although he showed us the entire video." Ian chuckled as he set the laptop down on the kitchen island.

I shouldn't do this, but I had to find out the truth. This was snooping, but what if he was lying to us all? It was a very small chance, but I'll cling onto that small hope.

It's weird to think that I wanted him to fall in love with her; that way she would reach her pretty little downfall.

Why did I hate her so much? It was hard to pin down one single thing that I hated about her more than anything else. Her presence in general just bothered me, and I've hated her ever since she poured her drink all over Cole's shirt that day.

Cole's password was easy to crack. Sprouse1234. He's never been very creative when it came down to making passwords. When his laptop screen pulled up, a picture of Charlotte was the first thing that caught my eye.

I cocked my brows up as I stared at the picture. It looked like she was standing at the top of the Statue of Liberty.

"Ian? Have you seen this?" I said slowly, my eyes scanning his laptop background once again. Ian groaned quietly as he got back up, and all I could hear were his heavy footsteps coming up behind me.

He leaned over my left shoulder from behind me, putting his arms past me on both sides to grasp the kitchen island countertop. I glanced at him over my shoulders, and his eyes narrowed slightly as he looked at the background.

"No, I haven't seen this." His voice was low, and I knew it was because he was concentrating. "Becky, locate his video files."

I clicked on the little folder on his bottom toolbar, and shortcuts popped up on the screen. The side bar in the shortcuts tab looked promising as I found the videos section.

"Stop." Ian said as his eyes began to quickly take in every file on the screen. He used his index and middle finger on his right hand to point out two files next to each other. One of them had a much larger file size. "These two videos look similar, and the smaller one is the sex tape."

"How do you know?"

"I recognize the file name. Click on the larger video file."

I did as he said, and opened up the larger file. The scene of the hotel room popped up, and the video footage said it was a few hours long. This must be the untrimmed video.

"Fast forward to the point where the two of them enter the room." He said to me. I fast forwarded the video nearly two hours in before we finally saw Charlotte and Cole enter the room. "Just play the video from here."

I had to rewatch that whole dâmn video from the start. It made me sick to my stomach to see her giggle alongside him as they stripped each other of clothing and toppled down onto the bed. Something seemed different with the two of them sleeping together than the time we had. It actually looked like he cared about her, and it made me want to projectile vomit all over the screen.

The video continued to play past the point where it had originally cut off. Before, it ended as soon as he walked off the screen to go grab them some towels. It kept running though, and we saw him re-enter the camera. The two of them cleaned themselves up before he crawled back into bed with her, letting the little wench curly up into his arms.

"I love you." He whispered quietly to her.

"Hold up." Ian yelled, causing my skeleton to nearly jump out of my skin as I quickly pressed pause. "Back it up a few seconds." I did as he said, and listened to that horrific line one more time

"I love you."


"Yes baby?"

"I love you, Cole."

Even in the dark lighting of the room, the look of surprised, yet excited shock was easily readable across his features as he pressed a kiss to her forehead. We watched as he waited for her to fall asleep before slowly getting out of the bed and sneaking over towards the camera. He picked it up, lens facing at an awkward up angle so that we could see under his chin. The look of guilt spread across his features before the screen went black.

"He fûcking said it." Ian said as he backed away from the screen, fingers lacing through his hair. I was nearly shaking at the core as I just blankly stared at the computer screen. Out of all the years I would've killed to hear those words, I never would've imagined he'd say them to her.

"What?" Liam questioned, peeking his head up for the first time tonight over the back of the couch.

"He lied to us." Ian's face was turning a darker shade of red by the minute, so I took a couple steps away from him. "We paid him money, and he loved her all along. What a sneaky âss."

"What do we do now?" I asked, leaning back against the counter, trying to control my temper.

His usual calm eyes held a storm behind them as his head whipped around towards me. I knew he was beyond angry at this point, and there was nothing that I could do to calm him down.

"I have a plan, but first, I need you to do something for me."

"Whatever it is, I'll do it."

"You're on campus with them." Ian explained the obvious, so I just gave him a quick head nod to show him that I was listening. "If he really loves her, then he would still be with her."


"Get me a photograph of them together."

"Just a picture?" I asked. Ian nodded his head in return. "Why do we need a photograph? Isn't that piece of the video enough evidence for us?"

"If we are about to follow through with this plan, then we need all of the evidence that we can get to justify our actions. The rules of the bet stated that he could no longer see her after he took her virginity."

"And if I catch them together?"

"Then we will make sure that she never want to see him again."

HELLO LOVELIES! This update took about a week, but it's finally out.

Now that Becky and Ian know that Cole loves Charlotte, it's all just a matter of time now...

Next update coming out soon! I apologize for doing this from Becky's POV, but it only made sense that neither Cole nor Charlotte would have been there when Becky and Ian found out the truth.

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