Jo nodded her head with pursed lips. "Good. Somebody's read ahead. Remember that. You'll need that in 3 years," she commented as Elena lost the proud look on her face. "Here's the bedpan you need to know about today."

The instructor handed Elena a bed pan without hesitation as she began to walk away. "Moving on..." Jo mused as she lead away the students.

"I was impressed..." a cute guy told Elena with a smirk as he walked away.

Elena shyly nodded before thanking and following after him.

"Ok... So maybe I spent the day observing, but at least we have unlimited access to blood bags. And trust me, we need all the help we can get."

Elena pulled out a small pouch containing spices and herbs from her pocket. She dumped them all into a small bowl before she began to crush them. "Some of us are still getting the hang of the whole 'drinking other people's blood' thing."

The other day:

Alaric emptied the contents of a blood bag into a cup at the front of the classroom. Elena then entered the empty room while holding onto her bag as she glanced at him. "Want some?" Ric questioned curiously.

The grieving girl shook her head. "That's alright. I had some on the way over. You know... this will never not be weird."

Ric raised both of his eyebrows up. "What? That some ancient witch turned me into a vampire, or that four months ago, I rose from the dead?"

Elena smiled almost barely. "That you're my college professor now."

Alaric mused before taking a drink of blood as the veins popped out under his eyes.

"In Alaric's defense, he couldn't compel himself a job back at the high school. Nope... the high school; the grill; the town square... thanks to the traveler's anti magic spell, everything in Mystic Falls was still off-limits to anyone with fangs. A lot of us haven't been back home in months. On the plus side, the crime rate is way down. Although I'm not sure Matt got the memo. I will say he's never been better. I think he can bench press more than Jeremy now, which is beyond freaky. Speaking of Jeremy... actually, let's not talk about my brother. Let's talk about Stefan.

Last I heard, he was chasing some lead to some witch that can contact the dead. We haven't spoken in months, which can only mean his search for answers to what happened has been all-consuming."

Elena took one match out before lightning it. She stared at the flame for a second. "He's grieving... He lost so much. We all did, but we're all getting through it in our own way."

Elena tossed the match into the bowl with the spices. "What can I even say about Izzie? She lost the most. She's grieving too and it's been hard. I'm trying my best to help but I don't know how long she will let me."

The other day:

Elena knocked onto Ric's flat  before entering. Izzie was living with Alaric since she had nothing to do in Mystic Falls. Her mother cut all ties with her so Elena wanted to be someone like family to Izzie. Alaric apparently did too. "Izzie... I brought food," Elena said loudly while raising up a white bag.

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