Just The Beginning

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"Lux baby wake up. Breakfast is ready." My mama's soft voice woke me up from my peaceful sleep.

"I'm up." I yawned and stretched my arms out trying to fully wake up.

She left my room and I got up sliding on my slippers. I walked down the hallway into the bathroom to see Heaven brushing her teeth.

"Mornin'." I spoke grabbing my toothbrush.

"GoodMorning." She said rinsing out her mouth.

"You gotta work today?" I asked applying Colgate toothpaste onto my toothbrush neatly.

"Yea why?" Heaven questioned drying off her mouth.

"I wanted to come with you. Mama and daddy will stress me out if I stay here."

"No. The shop is no place for children."

I looked at her and rolled my eyes. I've always tried bonding with her but she has this guard up and it's blocking our sister relationship.

"I'm not a child Heaven." I explained while brushing my teeth.

"If you say so." She left out of the bathroom and proceeded towards the kitchen.

After I finished brushing my teeth and washing my face I entered the dining area seeing a table full of hot breakfast. There was small pot full of cheese grits, eggs, pancakes, and pan sausages.

"So what are you girls gonna do today?" Mama asked sitting the pancakes on the table.

"Work." Heaven responded dryly.

"Imma hang out with Willow nem' most likely."

My dad tilted his head and put his newspaper to the side. "Alright now. You know those girls are fast and hot in the ass. I don't need another one coming home pregnant." Dad said then side eyed Heaven.

"Really? So we starting early on this Saturday morning?" Heaven cocked her head as well getting offended. "Because if you wanna take it there we can!"

"Nathaniel! Don't start." My mama warned pointing her fork at my dad.

"Anita! Don't stop." He fires back.

"Dad my friends are cool. They not like that." I protested sipping on my orange juice that tasted horrible and sour since I'd brushed my teeth.

"Mhm. Alright." My dad left the subject alone and started back reading his newspaper.

"How about you tag alone to work with Heaven." Mama said with a smile.

Heaven slammed her fork down. "What is this? Take your sister to work day? She's not coming with me Anita end of discussion." She shot back with disrespect

Since my mom wasn't her mama she called her by her real name and she didn't respect her one bit. My mom has been taking care of her for years and she still treats her like she ain't nothing.

"Nate." My mom cut up her pancakes angrily and turned to my dad for backup.

"Heaven stop disrespecting Anita." Dad said not looking up. He didn't care what Heaven said to ma as long as she didn't talk to him like that.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2020 ⏰

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