The Commissioner sat at his desk looking up at us gesturing for us to sit. The android stood next to him, dark brown hair and a matching set of eyes observed us. He looked so real, almost human.

  "What is this about sir." Maverick asked eyeing the figure across from him.

  "I decided to make changes, in how things have been running around here for the past couple of years. As we all know the two of you have recived premonitions recently, and that you've been partners almost since you've started working for this department. It's a great work you put in." He said to Maverick and I. "I'm splitting you two up."

  "What?" Maverick yelled. "No, thats insane. You want me to work with this heap of wasted metal?"

  "No, you're going to help Susan, along with some routine work.  I've carefully selected Natalie to work with the Android." He said calmly.

  "I'm honored sir. Thank you for this opportunity." I said shocked.

  "You'll recive the information about what you'll teach her outside with Pam. Now if you'd please now have another outburst Albright." The Commissioner directed to the door.

  "Dont let it hurt you." Maverick scoffed at me before leaving with the quiet Susan. A silent break came into the room as I stared at my hands before speaking.

  "Once again, I thank you for this opportunity sir." I grinned. "I'm verry happy I'll be able to serve along side a great creation in protecting humanity."

  "Thats.. nice, preachy but nice. Connor was sent by CyberLife to aid in the Deviant Androids we've been having problems with. He's very special, a new prototype infact. The information about suspects should be in your system. Get to it. "

  "Yes sir." I let out, glancing at the Android.


  "So..." I started looking up at the Android. "Connor. How are you doing?"

   "I'm doing very well, thank you."

  "I see well its nice to meet you. I'm-"

  "Natalie Quill, yes, I know a lot about you."

"Oh, you do huh. Well I guess that saves talking about myself." I chuckled. "Let me show you to my desk, we can get started there."

We walked across the room earning stares from my coworkers. Hushed words escaped their lips, barely going unnoticed. I approached my desk and looked at the one across it. Maverick's. It was being emptied to across the floor where Susan's was. The blonde walked over with a empty box and began to collected the last of his things.

He glared behind me and the Android and let out a petty laugh "Looks like I'm the one who got replaced."

"You atleast get the opportunity to help a new recruit. Thats good right?" I tried to cheer him up.

"Sure. But its not with... you." He shook his thoughts away and picked up his box walking away.

"He seems to be agitated." Connor spoke up.

"He's usually like that. Dont worry."

He took a seat in the empty desk across from mine and began to settle in as I looked at the new case files I was assigned to. Deviants. The rouge Androids.

I looked through taking note of each face, landing on the suspects the Commissioner was talkng about. Each was so diffrent, Kara a female android charged with assult and kidnapping, Markus charged with killng a man... it made no sense. I rubbed my head and stood up.

"I'm going to get a coffee."

I walked down the hall taking in the new cases I would be working on, how my old partner would be with me, how my new one wasnt even a human. The smell of coffee and the sound of small talk hit me as I walked into the break room. I poured my cup and fixed it to my liking and took a seat on a near by table.

"Whats it like working with it?"

"Huh?" I looked up seeing Gavin. "Oh its you "

  "Not happy to see me?"

  "Not really."

  "You didnt answer my question, Quill." He ignored my statement. "How's working with it?"

  "He's not an it. And I'm not all to sure one day isnt much to go on." I replied.

  "Well sorry, I ment "him"." He snickers. "Speaking of him. Isnt that the new bot?" 

  Gavin walked up to Connor, leaning into his face. "Make me a coffee."

  "That is not what I was made to do-"

  "Make me a coffee." Gavin interrupted pushing him.
   "Gavin." I stood.

  "Stay out of this." He turned to me then back at the poor bot. "I said make me a coffee!"  With a loud thud, Connor collapsed to the floor. Gavin had punched him.

  "Good god Gavin! What is wrong with you." I yelled helping the fallen Connor up.

  "Its not like he feels anything." Gavin argued.

  "Thats not any reason to punch him." I argued back at him. "How about you go make youself a coffee? Or do you have too thick of a skull to do something as simple as that."

  After Connor got back of his feet we went back to our desks. I looked up at his as we walked down the hallway "Are you alright?"

  He hesitated for a moment  "Yes."

"Well, thats good. I'm sorry he did that. Gavin isnt the best of people."

"I'll be fine, Androids are not capable of feeling pain."

  "He still shouldnt have done it." I sighed. "I thought you where working anyways why did you come to the break room?"

  "I thought that we should get ahead of ourselves and go to a crime scene of a reccent victim. So I went to retrive you."

  "What exactly happened?"

  "What exactly happened?"

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[A. N.]
"Hey! This is kind of my first story so. Thats fun. I just wanted to let you all know this wont be completely like the game. And I'm basing it off of Coryxkenshin's walkthrough too if you were wondering. I hope you like it."


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