The Queen's Arrival

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As the Booty Os exited from the massacre, the unlikely few who cowered in the corner slowly stopped their shaking.  They no longer appeared afraid or stunned.  They began to chuckle which eventually turned to maniacal cackling.  "Finally."  Harry says.  "We've done it."  The largest massacre of any student body had just been carried out and their faces alone told the tale.  They were proud of what they had commissioned the Os to do.  Michael lost any trace of W but knew where the Os were going as they left prints of blood on their trail.  The red trail seemed to be heading towards the water tower at the top of the hill near recently-deceased-student Aryn Navarro's house.  Michael sprinted up the hill to the tower to find the Alpha O threatening W's life by dangling him over the edge of the tower.  W pleaded for his life.  "Please don't do it going on.  I live with my parents!" Meanwhile, a woman of pale complexion, dressed in all blue, shoots down the hill riding on an O.  Her screams of orgastic pleasure were recognized by Michael immediately.  "Queen Elsa!" Michael stammered.  "Help me recover my beloved bo- uh, teacher!  Use your spells or something!"  He practically scolded her.  Elsa rebuked with the clapback of the century.  "Who shoved a dick up YOUR fat ass!?" Michael, stunned at what he just heard, knew only to respond with the truth.  "Hopefully him!"  He paused.  "If you could help me ou-"  He was interrupted by a haggard moan from the dangling W.  Elsa and Michael looked up, and the Alpha O released the blob of a human from its mouth.  Time worked in slow motion as he fell.  Elsa screamed "with a flick of my clit and a wave of my tit, I hereby save his sorry ass dick!"  And just like that, it was all over . . .

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