Stuntin on these bitch ass hoes

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"My neck, my back, my pussy and my crack and so forth"
The alarm blasted from my bedside table. I slid down my stripper pole and dropped that kitty down low. Ah, a brand new school year to ruin the lives of these ignorant bitch ass hoes who THINK THEY CAN PASS MY CLASS. Once I pick my favorites going on these bitches bout to get they asses kicked and grades dropped lower than this kitty. I picked out my favorite navy blue cable knit sweater and plaid collared button down and posed seductively in the mirror. "What a sex god taking place." I strutted off to my car and arrived at 7:15 ON THE MF DOT. Those sick little fuckers were lined up at the door HAHA BITCHES YOU THOUGHT. Time to gossip about my nonexistent sex life to Mark and the office ladies. 7:20 rolled around and I figured I might as well make my debut...I popped my ass out and sashayed down the hallway to greet my newest victims. I was feeling fierce and sexy....until I saw him. "Good morning HRMPH one and all" he grunted. "Ummm.... excuse me going on???"

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