Part 3: Courage

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For a while you didn't see him at the gym after that, maybe for a whole week after the water fountain incident.

Not that you were keeping track or anything! He just...stood out, with that red hair of his. And those eyes. And smile that reminded you of warm sunshine...uh oh.

But you kept it up, working late kept you away a couple of times but you did some simple things at home to make sure you didn't skip a day. And it was starting to pay off. You were feeling better, less tired when you went up stairs, your pants were starting to feel just the tiniest bit loose in the waist, the sleeves on your shirts didn't cut into your arms quite as much as before. Being dedicated was paying off, and it made you feel really good, even if it was really hard work and progress was slow.

When you went back to the gym the next week, he was there again. But...he looked kind of sad? Or distracted? Not quite as upbeat as didn't suit him. It probably had something to do with why he was away the previous week. You weren't in the business of prying, though, you didn't know him well enough for that.

You tried to stay focused on your workout but it was difficult, the man named Kirishima not trying his hardest like he normally did.

His reps were slower.

He turned away people you normally saw him chatting with.

Even his hair looked droopy.

By the time you finished your workout most people had left the gym due to the late hour. You normally went after work since you weren't enough of a morning person to work out before work, so this was the only other time that suited you. But he was still there, sitting on one of the weight benches, looking out one of the windows into the mostly empty parking lot.

Ok...that was it! He'd helped you out, so you could help him, right? That wouldn't be too weird...right? You always tried your best to cheer people up even if you weren't the most outgoing or social person around. Just ask if he's alright, you can do that can't you?...right?

Swallowing hard and gathering up your courage you slowly walked over to him, back turned to you as he took a sip from his water bottle. You coughed into your hand, and he finally saw you. He really did look sad, but you'd try and cheer him up.

"Um, hi. I dunno...if you remember me? You helped me out a while back." He gave a small smile to you with a nod.

"Yeah, I remember. How are you?"

"Oh, uhm I'm fine. But...sorry, I don't mean to intrude if you want me to go away I will, I just...are you alright? I uh didn't see you last week, and you're always here so...not that I was looking out for you or anything! Um, I just wanted to check..." You were sweating bullets and it had nothing to do with the fact that you'd just run your fastest mile yet on the treadmill.

His smile fell a bit making you think you'd said something wrong, that he didn't want to talk.

"Oh...yeah, I had some family stuff to take care of last week but I'm fine now, getting back in the routine!" His voice perked up, but you could tell it was a facade. And it wasn't your place to meddle.

"Well...I'm not much of a talker but I've bee told I'm a good listener. If you ever wanna talk! Uh, only if you want to though! Um..." your thumbs fiddled behind your back nervously. "Ok uh I just...see you around bye!" Before you could turn around and run away though he called out to you.

"Wait! I didn't catch your name last week." He looked less sad than he did before, so maybe your stuttering didn't fall on deaf ears.

"Oh!'s (L/N)." You knew you were blushing but there was no way to hide it now.

"Ok (L/N)...thanks. I'll keep that in mind." You nodded, his eyes looking more like familiar now, as you walked away towards the locker rooms.

You didn't see the way his eyes followed you, or how his fingers kneaded into the hem of his gym shorts as you walked away.

Kirishima x Reader AUHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin