Part 2: Unmanly

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And you do. When work allows you go back to the gym because it makes you feel good to try and be better, even if some days are harder than others. But you do it, and you keep at it.

And he's there, too. Maybe he's a motivation that you try not to think about. He's probably not single, though. And even if he was why would he choose you? He could have anyone looking like that: bright smile, rose-colored eyes that match his red hair, muscles evidence of his dedication to staying fit.

Why would he choose you? Sure, you were working towards being happier with yourself, and getting a date wasn't the main reason you started going to the gym...but it was still a motivator.

But one day someone interrupts you while taking a break and grabbing some water.

"Yo, what's up? How you doin'?" You look over and some guy with untrustworthy eyes is looking you up and down while you're just trying to grab a drink of water and you immediately feel gross.


"Let me take you out sometime, yeah?" His smirk was just as greasy as his hair.

"N-no, sorry I'm-"

"No? C'mon! Just a date, not like you could do better than me anyway so it's kinda like I'm...doing you a favor!" You felt like you wanted to throw up, to just run away from the situation. This guy was trying to intimidate you, make you feel like shit on purpose. As you attempted to walk away he grabbed your wrist. "Yo babe don't walk-"

"Hey bro! I think you're making her uncomfortable so back off a little? " A strong familiar hand clamped down tightly on the man's shoulder, prompting him to let go of your wrist. The red-head was taller than the greaseball who let go once you pulled your arm free from him; his nailed scraped your skin.

The red-head's grip tightened until the man eventually walked away, back to a group of similarly greasy guys.

"You OK? It's super unmanly to grab someone like that."

And all you could do - again - was nod. He'd come to your rescue again.

"I feel like I see you here pretty often - dedication is something not everyone can keep up with! Let me know if you need any more help, OK? I'm Kirishima, by the way." And he held out his hand again but this time it wasn't to help you up.

You shook it reluctantly, his arm moving up and down with bright enthusiasm. And you still hadn't said a word.

"See ya around!" He walked away, and that was that.

You were glad you were next to the water fountain because your throat felt excessively dry all of a sudden.

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