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As you stopped to catch your breath, you looked back and saw that the men chasing you where nowhere to be seen.

It all started a year ago when you had first moved to a new city and new state. You met a man, Daniel Glass was your neighbor. He was a nice, maybe a bit formal at times. He had a wife and three children, a boy and two girls.

You became close to the family and one day their cousins came to visit, Ayra and Maika Biariel. They were exact opposites, the only thing they had in common was their good looks and blood relation. Ayra was violent and callous. Maika was shy and selfless.

It had been a few weeks when you were lounging on your couch when you heard a scream from outside. Being the emotion-above-logic person you were, you went to see what happened, but when you opened the door you were met with a terrifying sight.

The twins were standing at your door, skin and clothing splattered and stained with a darkening red liquid. The elder twin, Ayra, gave you a lopsided grin while the other could only stare in shock, his face paling slightly. You quickly shut and locked the door, holding back a scream and running to the kitchen to grab something to protect yourself.

The duo had managed to get into the house and the next few minutes were chaotic at best. Which leads us to where we are now, you had managed to escape and ran down the road. You couldn't think of anything else to do so you ran, knife in hand now stained with red.

You were leaning against a building, gasping for breath. You didn't know how long you had ran or how far but you were exausted.

"(Y-Y/n)?" you heard a quiet voice. You whipped around and saw Maika standing at the end of the alley, hand firmly pressed to his shoulder in an attempt to stop the bloodflow. "Are... Are you mad at me?"

You gripped your knife closely, "P-Please... just l-leave me alone..." your voice was trembling badly. You froze when an icy chuckled filled the air.

A pair of strong arms wrapped around your waist. "I don't think that's an option for us anymore, my dear~" Ayra spoke.

You yelped in shock and stabbed the area behind you blindly, accidentally putting a small cut on your cheek. The strike sliced open Ayra's cheek as well, scarcely missing his eye. He yelled in surprise and pain. His grip loosening enough for you to pry yourself free and start running down the alley, away from the two brothers.

Ayra's hand flew to his face and he hissed as pain flared near his eye violently. He glared at Maika, "Go get her, you idiot!"

Said man jumped and nodded quickly, chasing after you.

- timeskip -

You had ran so far, but you couldn't escape. You had gotten caught and passed out a moment later. Then, you woke up. You woke up in an unfamiliar place, your hands handcuffed to a bed post. While you were struggling with your cuffed hands you had failed to notice the duo standing in the corner until the younger spoke up, "M-Morning, (Y/n)..."

You whipped you head around and shrieked, trying to get as far away as you could, which wasn't that far. "Why am I here?! What do you want?!"

"First off," Ayra spoke calmly, leaning against the wall. "You are here because you seem to be incapable of behaving. And second, what we want, is you."

You paled. "W-Why me...?"

"Because you're perfect, (Y/n)!"

"You interest me."

They both said at the same time. You shifted uncomfortably when they aproched you from either side. "No... G-Get away!" you yelled. "Please, just get away!"

The twins didn't listen and laid down on either side of you, Maika being cautious because of his wounded shoulder.

"Let's get something straight, (Y/n)," Ayra said, caressing your cheek and looking at you obsessively. "You aren't going anywhere anymore, you are ours now. Forever. Got it?"

"P-Please... let me go..." you whimpered, fliching away from his touch.

"But we love you, (Y-Y/n), I can't live without you!" Maika cried, wrapping his arms around your waist tightly.

It was obvious, you were never leaving...

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