You're Crashing But You're No Wave

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When I came back to my house I was sweating buckets. I took a shower and changed into some shorts and a t-shirt. I went downstairs and rushed over to my computer. I quickly unlocked it and checked my email. Sure enough, there was one waiting for me in my inbox.

Dear AJ,

We are happy to tell you that you have been accepted to be the newest member of Fall Out Boy! Attached is a link that leads you to several documents. You are to print those out, fill them out, then send them to the address below.
The first meeting is a month from now at our studio in Chicago, we'll give you the address when we're closer to the date.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact any of us.

-Pete, Patrick, Joe, and Andy

Further down on the email the boy's phone numbers were listed as well as the links that they talked about in the email. I quickly added the numbers in my phone and decided to text them all.

AJ: Hey! This is AJ. Is this Pete?

Pete: Yep! Hi AJ :D

AJ: It's AJ, is this Patrick?

Patrick: Yes! Hello AJ! :)

AJ: Hello this is AJ, is this Joe?

Joe: Yea, howdy AJ

AJ: It's AJ, is this Andy?

Andy: Yes it is, hello AJ.

i finished texting the guys and gave them funny names. Peteza Guy, Patty, Hoeseph, and Vegan. I laughed at my own funny names before setting my phone down. I printed out the documents and filled them out. I really didn't want to fill out my name so I just put AJ Pines. They'll find out my full name when they earn the right too. I filled everything out and went upstairs to my library, that's where I keep my envelopes and stamps. I folded up the papers, stuck them in the envelope, licked it, and stuck the stamp on. I was so excited so I ran outside to go put it in my mail box, which was really far away because I lived in the middle of a forest and the road to the main road was far put I ran anyways. I was out of breath by the time I got there but I put the letter in and took the mail out and walked back, looking at the all nature that I had ran by before.
I got back to my house and ran through the mail, ads, coupons, and a letter from my aunt? It was from my aunt Audrey so that was a plus, but it was from my aunt Leana. She wasn't much better than Audrey, but she got my name right so that was alright, but, she wasn't free of charge. She had been trying for years to get me in a relationship. Since high school she's been trying.
During my junior year's Thanksgiving break, it was my turn to share what was happening with my life, since that's what every niece or nephew did. They were always asked if they were in a relationship, and I was starting to be asked when I entered seventh grade. It was always the same reply. "No, I don't want one at this age." And that was the truth. Grade school was more important than anything, and getting into a good college was at the top of my list, I didn't want valuable studying time taken up by relationship drama.
Finally at that Thanksgiving Leana had pulled me aside and asked why I still did't have a boyfriend. I told her why. She still didn't think that was enough. I just brushed her away. Later I had mentioned that I was going to a concert the next day in Des Moines, and she asked if I was going with anyone, I said no and that I was going by myself since I could drive and I was old enough to be trusted. She pushed my mom to get one of my male cousins to come with, but my mom reasoned with her telling her that I had bought one ticket and that I didn't have enough money to buy one at the door. Leana said she had the money. I just laughed in her face. "The show's sold out anyways, they wouldn't be able to get in even if they tried." And she stopped pushing at it until the next Thanksgiving. And that's how its always been.
I never gave her my address after I moved out, so how she sent me this I'll have no idea. I opened it and pulled out a letter.

Dear Ashton Jae,

It's been a few years but I've finally found out how to send mail to you.
I know you don't have a boyfriend because your aunt Audrey told me so, so I wanted to help.
I have set up a date for you on the sixteenth of next month, and it's a nice guy. No tattoos, he's tall, and he's muscular. I think you'll like him.
Call me when you get this!

-Your aunt Leana

I grimaced. One: I don't want a date, two: she assumed I like men, three: that's the opposite I look for in a person, and four: I'm gonna be with the boys when that date's supposed to happen. Eh, I guess he'll be stood up, whoever the guy is.


Fall Out Boy, and One Girl?Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant