No bloody shirt

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Amanda's POV:

My eyes were still closed. But that smell... it reminds me of something. Simon. It's his cologne. And it smells really good though... It's fresh, like lime and pepper mixed together! But why is the smell here? I slowly opened my eyes. I'm in Simon's bedroom. I know it, since I've been here before. Nothing's changed. Just like i remember it. My body's really sore and I have had the biggest headache since yesterday. I looked down my body. I'm in his shirt. He haven't changed my trousers though...

There were coming noises from downstairs. "Shit!", a loud voice spoke. It was hard for me to walk properly. I held on to what I could find. There he was. Standing with no bloody shirt on... he knows it turns me on. "Hey... you didn't have to!", he had made the biggest breakfast I've seen in a very long time. Jake never made me anything. Everything was about Jake, Jake and Jake. The way he used, hurt and almost killed me. He is probably going nuts right now. I haven't been home for almost 24 hours... I have received a LOT of text messages from him. How he wanted to kill me.

Simon's POV:
"Amanda are you there?", I waved my hands in front of her. She just zoomed out for a minute. It must be the medicine. "Of course Simon! It's all way too much... you know I aren't eating that much". "I didn't knew what you wanted, so I just made a little of... everything", I smiled towards her. "Well, it's rather sweet of you! And it looks delicious". We sat there in a relaxing silence. None of us said anything while we were eating. It wasn't awkward at all. This is what I wanted. Mornings with her! I would do anything for her. She deserves the world. "The home care should be here in two hours, do you want to watch something on the telly?", since Amanda didn't want the news to know about her "trying to kill her self...", she decided to get a home care until she was fully recovered. She had to go to a therapist too.

Amanda's POV:
"Yes, I would love that", Simon is so caring. He has always been there for me... Even when I have been a total idiot. We have known each other for almost 12 years, but he never gave up on me. Simon helped me stand up, which was incredible hard for me. It felt like a massive training and it hurt. "Let me help you", he lifted my weak body and carried me over to the sofa. He took the softest blanket he could find and put it over me. He sat beside me with his hand behind my back. I felt safe. "What do you want to watch?", "what about some of the early auditions from the show?", Simon nodded his head in response.

As we watched the episodes I realized something. Simon and I were flirting a LOT at the auditions. I have always been a flirtatious person, but I didn't know I flirted that much with him. "Don't you think, Piers, felt outside?", he joked. "He sure did" I laughed, but it hurt at the same time. Simon and I used to sit really close to each other. Sometimes he would even rest his hand on my thigh. I missed it.

Simon's POV:
It was really nice to just lay with Amanda, even though she was sick. The auditions reminded me of all our best hours together. Our secret "sneaks into the other's room" thing we had during the breaks. We never got spotted. As Amanda was laying in my arms, she breathed more peacefully than she did before. It was hard for her to breathe, because all of the medicine she has to take. Her eyes fought to stay open. "It's okay, just close you eyes. I won't leave you. Promise", she smiled towards me. "Thanks Simey", I loved when she called me that. I don't know for how long, but we just laid there. Her body was still pale, skinny and full of bruises, but she still managed to look more than beautiful. My eyes were getting tired as well. She was my sleeping angel.

————— 1 hour later —————

Amanda's POV:
I was still laying on Simon's chest when I woke up. He was still sleeping peacefully. My body was very weak so I couldn't move, and I didn't want to wake him up either. I grabbed my phone from the table. Simon had laid it there for me. I had got a lot of texts.

"Hey Babe, have you checked the news?", Alesha had asked.

I was slightly curious now. "Omg....", I had said. There were pictures of my house. It was a complete mess. Most of it was burned. There was a banner too. It said "I will get my revenge!!". I'm shocked. Who on earth could have done this?! I tried to wake him up. "Darling, what's wrong?", I was crying. I just showed him the article. He didn't get the chance to say anything. Someone was at the door and he had to open it. Since Simon has his kitchen and living room in one big room, then I could have a little peek at the mysterious person. "What are you doing here?!", you could tell on Simon's voice that he was angry. "I want what's mine!", It was Jake.

I couldn't do anything. I wanted so badly to run and hide somewhere. But I couldn't. Oh no. Jake got a gun... He hadn't seen me yet, so it gave me some time to do something about the situation. I unlocked my phone quietly and texted Alesha to call the police for me. It didn't take that much time before she answered.

"Of course babe! What happened? Are you alright?", Alesha had asked.

Simon tried to calm Jake down. He doesn't know, that I told Simon about the dying medicine he gave me and the abuse. "Where's Amanda?!", Jake yelled at Simon. "She isn't here!", Simon is the worst at lying. Jake slapped Simon. "Don't you dare lie to me!", he was angry and crazy. Simon's lip was bleeding... and I couldn't do anything. Jake just hits Simon over and over again. Simon is the clever one here. His surveillance cameras are recording everything. Someone pulled in the driveway... "sir, you are arrested".

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