Tagged (pt.3)

124 2 268

So as you can read this is not an update. I got tagged by LadyNoir303 so let's do this.

1. Nickname
I have a lot nicknames some of them are Nat and Lilo.

2. Age
14 almost 15

3. Language
English basically

4. Hair colour and length?
Dark brown and like just a little past my shoulders so short/medium

5. Country
Canada but my background is Guyanese🇬🇾

6. Favourite colour?

7. Ultimate favourites?
I have a lot of favourite things and stuff so I'm not going to do this one.

Ghost sense, intangibility, flight and speed

9. Random?
Ughhh life is random but really don't fuck with me or you'll regret t and I'm not even kidding

10. Fandoms?
Danny Phantom
Percy Jackson
So many more I just can't think of anymore

11. Wish or dream?
To move out and start my life
And to be a halfa

I tag:






1909jana and


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