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I took cover behind a large crate, hurriedly shoving two new clips into both of my handguns. I looked over the edge and fired off a couple of shots. I managed to snag one of the guys, but it wasn't enough.

"Come on out!" One guy shouted, his accent heavy and his English clipped. Thinking to myself, I rolled my eyes and shook my head.

"You know I can't do that," I said, smirking. I popped up for a split second and shot down two more guys. Before I knew it, they were replaced with more thugs carrying automatic weapons. I groaned. 

Pausing to check all my other ammunition, I glanced to my side. A grenade winked at me. "Oh shit," I mumbled just as it exploded. I was blown back a couple of feet. The gang took its opportunity to gain distance on me. I rolled away and took off running.

Shots were fired after me, nipping at my ankles and bouncing off of my armor. I desperately fired over my shoulder, hoping that at least one bullet would meet a target. I could outrun most of the gang members, but I had a feeling that they wouldn't let me get away easily. 

I slung the stolen bag tightly around my chest. I smirked, sliding into an open sewer. I slammed the cover over myself and crashed down. I landed in a river of...well, shit. "Well, shit," I mumbled to myself, standing to my feet. I was covered head to toe in sewer gunk. I didn't even want to think about what I smelled like.

I heard some struggling from above. The gang fired bullets at the sewer cover and shouted in Mongolian at me. They tried to pull on the cover, but ultimately failed. "We will find you, Red Hood!" They shouted above surface.

"You can try," I said, smirking to myself. I waited until I heard the sounds of their heavy feet retreating. 

Continuing, I walked through the sewers. It was more or less pitch black. The sounds of rushing water and tiny footsteps added to my discomfort. I had never been more thankful for thick boots. My feet squished as I walked. I tried to put my environment out of my mind. 

Pulling up my computer, I let the holographic light clear out the darkness. I pulled up a map of the sewer system. Apparently, I was in the middle of the sewers. I needed to get back to my safe house. And I definitely needed a shower.

I followed the map. As I walked, I also researched the gang that had chased me. They were very underground, yet very prevalent in Eastern Asia. They controlled almost all of Mongolia and even poured into a bit of Russia and China. The Mongols had an extensive drug and human trafficking market. They also sold and bought weapons around the world. 

I patted the bag across my chest. I had stolen their database after uploading it all onto a USB from one of their computers. All it took to break into their "impenetrable base" was a couple of punches and explosions. It was all too easy for me. 

With all the information I had stolen, I could either manipulate the hell out of the Mongols or turn them over to the authorities. I figured that if I gave them to the police too early, they would find a way to secure their slaves before I could free them.

I would have to wait.

Arriving at an exit, I climbed up a latter and placed a small explosive on the manhole cover above me. It drew a little bit of attention when I crawled out, but I just moved on. I safely unlocked my safe house using my password and retina pattern. 

Once inside, I checked all around the room for any intruders. Lucky for me, I was completely alone. I slowly removed my helmet, placing it on the floor in front of the windows. I pressed the button on the side. That way, if anyone tried to break in through the windows, my helmet would act as a trip mine and immediately blow up. 

The Fallen AngelOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant