Chapter 17 : Where Is He?

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Korn immediately came down to the ground floor and went back to security.

"I'm sorry but can you help me?" Korn asked.

"What?" asked the security.

"Let me check CCTV because I'm looking for someone now .." Korn replied.

"But-" the security speech stopped as Korn cut him.

"Please let me .. I really need it now .." Korn said.

"Ok, come in .." the security replied then Korn went into the security room.

Korn watched carefully on every CCTV recording but he still didn't find Knock.

"Wait, is there no CCTV at the disposal of the garbage?" asked Korn.

"No .." said the security.

"What? Fuck .." said Korn then left.


Yihwa who just wanted to sleep, suddenly there was someone knocking on the door.

"Argh, who else is knocking on the door when I want to sleep?" Yihwa asked as she sat down on her bed.

"Who is that?" asked Yihwa, lazy to go open the door.

"Korn .." answered Korn from outside.

"Wait .." said Yihwa as she went down from his bed.

Yihwa went to open the door for Korn then Korn immediately entered the room.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Yihwa asked.

"Yihwa, did Knock come here?" asked Korn.

"Knock? No .." answered Yihwa.

"What?" asked Korn, who was getting worried.

"Why? What's going on?" Yihwa asked.

"Nothing .." Korn replied then leave.

"Ow?" said Yihwa astonished to see Korn.


Now Korn is on his way to Amphawa and he has tried to contact Knock several times but is still not answered.

"Knock, where are you?" Korn asked with worry as he tried to contact Knock again.

Korn sent several messages to Knock and he immediately speeded up his car.


"Oh, Korn .. why are you here?" asked Knock's mother after opening the door for Korn.

"Is that Korn?" asked Knock's father from inside.

"Yes, Pa .." answered Knock's mother.

"Tell him to come in .." said Knock's father.

"No, no .. it's okay .. I'm here just for a while .." Korn replied.

"Oh really, then why are you here?" asked Knock's father as he stood beside his wife.

"I just want to ask if Knock is here?" asked Korn.

"Knock? No .. didn't he is in his apartment?" Knock's father answered.

"Why? Is there something happening to him?" asked Knock's mother who was worried.

"No, there's nothing .. you don't have to worry .. umm, anyway .. I go first .." said Korn then left.

"Be careful .." said Knock's mother.


After Korn went to Knock's apartment to check if Knock was there but unfortunately Knock was not there then Korn went to report at the police station about Knock's missing.

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