Cheryl's POV: 

I watched as Betty and Veronica kissed, I was happy for V. "I gotta pee.." Toni said as I got off her lap so she could get up and use the bathroom. Nick just looked at me, "you feelin high?" He asked. I laughed, "very." 

"You don't recognize my voice, do you?" Nick asked me. I just looked at him confused. "No...? Should I?" I asked. He just smiled, "Come with me." He said as he took my hand. I followed him as he led me to an empty bedroom and he closed the door behind him. "What are you--" I began but he stopped me by kissing me. I quickly pushed him off. "What the fuck are you doing?" I spat. I may have been high, but I damn well knew I wasn't about to let him hit on me. "You don't remember your little promise?" He asked. "What promise? I literally just met you." I said to him. "You told me, if I gave you information on your brother, you'd have sex with me. So... I'm waiting." Nick said to me as he got closer. "No. I won't do that. I have a girlfriend now and I love her more than anything." I finished. "Well then that means you can't live without her, correct?" He asked. "Exactly. So, let me get back to her now." I began as I tried to leave the room. He put his hand on the door so I couldn't leave. "Ok. Well then, if you love her as much as you say, then you'll have sex with me." He said. "What? How does that even make sense?" I asked confused. He just stepped closer to me. "If you don't have sex with me, I will hurt Toni. and trust me, I'm well capable." He threatened. I just looked scared, "If you touch her I swear to god--" I began but he cut me off. "I won't have to, if you just..." He started as he kissed me again. I felt a tear roll down my cheek as I kissed back. If I didn't do this, who knows what he would do to Toni. Rape her, or beat on her, or worse. I needed to do this. He moved me over to the bed and pushed me down as he unbuckled his pants. Once he got his pants and underwear off, he lifted my skirt up and pulled my undies down as he shoved his dick inside me. I let more tears roll down my cheek as I let him. He began to thrust in and out super fast. He wouldn't stop doing that. Just then, the door swung open. "Cheryl are you in her--" A voice began to say but they stopped. I turned to see Toni standing in the door way. Instead of talking, she just ran off. "Toni, wait!" I yelled as I pushed Nick off, pulled my underwear up, and ran to chase after her. I couldn't find her at first but I chased her outside to find her getting on her motorbike. "Toni!" I said as I approached her. "You have to listen to me, that wasn't what it looked like." I said to her with tears in my eyes. "Oh, no? because it looked to me like you were high, which yes, I figured out, and you were having sex with a guy in one of Veronica's bedrooms!" Toni yelled. "Toni I--" 

"No. Don't even try it. You know, I actually believed you when you said it meant something when we had sex. but clearly it didn't. You're still that girl, Cheryl. You still cheat. and you know what, apparently you still do drugs too. I'm out of here." Toni said and before I could say another word, she sped off, leaving me crying alone in the street. Just then Veronica came running outside. "Hey what's going on? I saw you and Toni run out here. Is every thing okay?" She asked. I just went over to her and began sobbing on her. "What happened?" She asked me. "N-Nick, he threatened to hurt Toni if I didn't have sex with him... she walked in on it." I said as V just held me. "I love her, Veronica." I said through sobs. "I know. I know. I'm gonna fix this." Veronica said as she led me inside. "Sit here and sober up a little, I'll be right back." Veronica said as I sat down. I then pulled my phone out and began texting Toni. 

Cheryl: Toni I'm so sorry. You don't understand why I did it!

Toni: what, u just weren't satisfied cause we weren't fucking every two seconds?

Cheryl: No, of course not that's not it. 

Cheryl: I love you!

Cheryl: Toni please talk to me

When she stopped answering I threw my phone across the room and cried some more. 

Veronica's POV:

I stormed into the room that Nick was in and punched him hard in the face. "What the hell is your problem Veronica?" He asked as he held his jaw. "No, what's your problem?! Cheryl loves Toni and you know that. and you took advantage of that by saying the one thing that you knew would scare her into having sex with you. I'm not gonna let you ruin her relationship." I said as I pulled my phone out, "What are you doing?" He asked confused as I dialed Toni's number and handed him the phone. "You're telling her exactly what happened. Or I will." I said as I could hear Toni's voice on the other line. 

"Hello? What is it Veronica, I'd really rather not talk right now. " Toni said. 

Nick just sighed and took the phone. "Hi Toni." He said. 

"Nick? What the hell do you want? Besides my girlfriend." Toni said back. 

"I wanted to tell you why Cheryl had sex with me." Nick said. 

"I don't want to hear it, Nick." Toni said. 

Just then, I grabbed the phone from him. "Toni, you have to listen to him." I said. "Why? Clearly I mean nothing to Cheryl." Toni said sadly. "No, you mean everything to her. That's why she did what she did. She was protecting you. Nick threatened to hurt you if she didn't comply." Veronica said for Nick. "W-what? Are you serious? Fuck." Toni said as she hung up the phone. "Toni?" I asked when I heard the line cut out. I just sighed and put my phone in my pocket. "You better hope this problem fixes itself, or I'll fix your little pretty boy face instead." I said as I stormed out of the room. Before I could even make it back over to Cheryl, Toni barged in. Clearly she didn't make it very far from the pembroke considering she got here in like two minutes. I tried to go up to her but she walked straight passed me, running upstairs to the room Nick was in. I saw Cheryl come over to me. "Toni's back?" she asked me. 

Toni's POV: 

I was enraged. I didn't know what to feel. I basically called my girlfriend a slut and I felt terrible for it. I pushed the door open to find Nick. "You got some fucking nerve." I spat. "Hey, c'mon Cheryl's not that great. you can do better. Like, say... me." Nick said as he smiled and touched my cheek. I just grabbed his hand and twisted it hard. "Don't fucking talk about my girlfriend like that." 

Before I could say anything else he whipped out a pocked knife and shoved it in my face. I quickly let go of his hand and backed up. "You're still gonna hurt me? Wow. You're a lousy rapist." I spat. Just then, he angrily came at me with the knife, slicing my arm open. Blood spewed every where. I got mad and punched him really hard. He got up and stabbed me in the shoulder. I winced in pain as I pushed him away from me and held the wound to stop the blood. Just then Cheryl came in, hearing the commotion. She saw me bleeding. "oh my god, Toni!" She said as she ran over to me. "Fine, you two deserve each other. I'm out of here. Oh, one more thing." Nick said as he walked over to me and shoved the knife into my gut, twisting it as he did so. I grabbed onto Cheryl's arm in pain as he just laughed and pulled the knife out, dropping it on the floor as he left. "No!" Cheryl screamed as she held onto me, falling to the floor with me. She put her hand on my knife would, as blood now covered her hands, as she began to cry. "Veronica! HELP!" she screamed. Just then she looked down at me with tears over flowing her eyes. "I-I love y-you." I managed to say through breaths. Cheryl just cried some more. "No, stop. Don't say it like that. Please don't say it like that." She cried. "L-like what?" I asked her. "Like it's the last time I'm ever gonna hear it." She said as she cried really hard. Just then Veronica ran in. "What happe--" she began but then ran over to me. "Oh my god." V said as she ran over to us and got on her knees. She quickly dialed 911 and Cheryl and V helped me onto the bed as we waited for the ambulance. 

S.L.U.T (She Loves U Though) #CHONI STORY!!Where stories live. Discover now