Switch Up

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The next morning I awoke to loud music and laughing. My mother would never listen to rap and she sure as well wasn't home right now. I jumped out of bed amd raced downstairs to see Diego and a couple of guys smoking and drinking and I  completely lost it.

"GET THE HELL OUT!" I exclaimed in fury and rage as I cut off the loud speaker.

"Damn chill ma." Diego laughed, clearly drunk with his low eyes.

"Why the hell do you have these people in my house!" I shouted.

"Yo Diego we just gon' go cause yah girl tripping." One of his friends sighed as he stood up.

"His girl? Since when." I said with an attitude.

"Stop tripping." Diego said as he pulled my arm and attempted to pull me into his lap.

I quickly pushed him off of me and headed towards the door and opened it, "Get the fuck out!" I yelled as his friends finally got up and decided to leave.

"What's your problem?" I asked him as soon as they were out of sight.

"What do you mean, you're the one with a problem." Diego sighed as he laid back on the couch.

"You brought people into a home that isn't yours and you're drinking and smoking like that is so cool." I replied.

"And who's gonna stop me." His low green eyes met mine with a bit of disgust set upon his face.

"I'm not gonna stop you from drinking and shit you can have at it, but you're not gonna do that in my house." I dictated putting the emphasis on "my".

"Yeah whatever." He sighed and got  up, heading upstairs.

"Where you going, you gotta clean this up!" I grabbed him by his shirt and he whipped around.

"Clean up for what?"

"Clean up because you fucked up that's what." I began to get angry as he stared at me as if he was clueless and just began to clean up.

After I was done helping get rid of the evidence I remembered that today was the day that I was supposed to go grocery shopping. My mom would always leave a list on the refrigerator whenever she wanted me to go out and buy groceries. This time on the note she didn't leave only the groceries she added an extra little memo.

Take Diego with you, Candy and I are out getting her a job. Maybe you two could have some bonding time.

Love, mom

After reading the note I rolled my eyes . Why does she constantly want me to bond with this guy? I thought he was cool until he pulled that stunt today. But after all I did have to get groceries and I didn't trust him to be at home by himself so I decided that it would be best to help to take him with me. I groaned as I realized that after cursing him out I would have to try and be civil with him.

I trudged upstairs and took a deep breath before opening up the door to the guest room.

"Diego, um my mom left a note saying that I have to go grocery shopping and I have to bring you with." I began as I eased into the room.

He stared at me for a moment and finally gave a light breath, "Fine."


I stared at the giant words that read "Food World" then grabbed a buggy. I gave Diego the list to try to at least attempt to speak on something as we made our way through the store.

"Okay, so far we have milk, bread, eggs, flour, mill, and ground beef anything i'm forgetting?" I turned to him as I took my focus from the basket.

"Snacks." he dryly replied as he look at the list.

"Bro I know that list does not just say snacks." I said as I stepped around the basket and looked at the list with him. And surprisingly he wasn't lying.

"So what type of snacks?"

A huge grin came upon his face forcing me to kind of laugh. We began to raid the cookies, snack cakes, and multiple delicious treats.

"Ouu Diego get this." I would say and he would grab whatever I pointed to.

The time we finally made our way out the store I had exactly $7.90. Money that I had saved up from when I was babysitting back when school was in.

"Diego I spent all of my money." I groaned.

"Hey it was all your idea." he began to die of laughter.

"Its not funny." I playfully hit him in the chest as he continued to laugh.

I knew that he would carry this all the way up until it was finally time for him to go.


When we got back to the house, you could say Diego and I were back on good terms and possibly on the road of becoming good friends. He seemed to make putting up groceries fun. It was nice to have someone to talk to around my age other than Austin all the time. Although I did have a few girls as friends I preferred hanging with boys.

As we continued putting up the groceries my phone began to ring.

"Hey Diego can you pass me that." I suggested pointing over to the phone.

He picked it up and scrunched his face as he looked at the caller ID, which read "Austin!💓".

"Who is Austin?" He questioned in an annoyed way.

"Why does it matter." I squinted my eyes, "Now give me my phone." I demanded as I began to stomp towards him.

"No." He said as he began to push me away.

"Diego just give me-"

Before I could reach any further for my phone he dropped it in the sink....on purpose.

"You drunk idiot!" I shouted and raced towards the sink because my phone wasn't water proof.

"Chill out." He pulled me and whipped me around to where I was facing him and held me tightly smiling.

Chills ran through my body as I began to fight the urge of doing what I really wanted to do to him.

"D-Diego let me go." I yelped trying not to look into his eyes.

"Why won't you look at me." He softly said.

And finally when our eyes locked it was like starring at two beautiful green jewls, but in reality they were only his green orbes.

Before our lips were given any chance to connect the front door swung open  and Diego let me go of me, but he never took his eyes off of me.

Part of me was hoping that it wasn't just the alcohol taking over him, or maybe it wasn't.......

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