Chapter 2 "Swarm":

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Gabe's POV:
As I was thinking about Clem, I failed to notice Javi tapping me on the shoulder from behind. "Gabe? Gabe!" He yelled out as the second calling of my name snapped me out of my thoughts. "Oh hey uncle Javi, what's up?" I asked as I saw him raising his eyebrow at me with a small grin on his face. Me and Javi have really gotten close over the last two years since I'm no longer an mood-swinging little bitch like I was before. " I saw you talking to Enid just a few seconds ago." He said. "Yeah so we were just talking. She seems pretty cool." I lied to him as I didn't think she was cool at all, in fact I thought she was a little bitch. Even worse than I was.
"You know, four years ago you said the exact same thing when you first met Clem." He said as my heart trembled at the mention of her name as I hung my head in sadness from missing her. I then felt Javi's hand grasp my shoulder in support as I looked up to him with tears ready to escape my eyes. "I know you miss her buddy I do too." He tried to comfort me. "Uncle Javi, can I tell you something?" I asked. "Of course Gabriel. What is it?" He asked back. "I had ... I had a crush on her. But I was too afraid to tell her how I truly felt. And now she's... gone." I finally admitted as Javi's grip on my shoulder got even harder. " I Kinda had a feeling you did, buddy. Listen you just gotta...." Javi began to say until he was cut off by the sound of people screaming.
"SIR!! SIR!!!!" One of the guards at the gate yelled out as he ran towards Javi and I." "What's wrong? Why are all the people screaming?" Javi asked him as I noticed the guards scared look on his face. "One of our walls collapsed and Walker started getting through. Now the communoty is fucking over run." The guard said as Javi and I shared the same look of fear in our eyes. "Gabriel listen to me, I'm gonna go get Kate will you gather up as much supplies as possible. We need to leave, NOW!!!" He ordered me as I nodded to him a and ran to get the supplies. I was able to load up 20 bottles of water, a ton of food, a few guns and knifes, and 30 rounds of ammunition into my duffel bag as Javi signed me to get to the van.
As I ran over however, I saw one of the muertos knock Javi to the ground and try to bite him. I ran as fast as I could towards him in order to save his life. "Get off him, motherfucker!!!" I screamed out as I pushed the muerto off him and killed it. "Thanks Gabe. You're a lifesaver." Javi thanked me as I nodded again and looked around. "Wait a minute Javi, where is Kate?" I asked in fear and distress. "I don't know Gabe. I looked everywhere for her and she is nowhere to be seen. I think she might be...." Javi said while shedding tears as I couldn't believe what was happening. "NO! NO!!!" I yelled out in anger. " there is no time to mourn right now. We have to get the hell out of here before we end up just like her." Javi said as I nodded once again with tears still rolling down my cheeks and got in the van with him.
I was even more horrified that I already was when I looked out the car window to see Conrad being eaten alive by muertos. "Oh Conrad." I whispered to myself as Javi started the car and we charged right through the herd of muertos. As we drove away, I looked out the back window to see my Richmond being swarmed with muertos as I couldn't believe the home I had for the last two years was now completely gone. "Looks like it just... you and me now, huh bud?" Javi asked with more tears mourning the loss of his Fíance. "Yeah, looks like it." I answered back as we kept on driving away from Richmond, now in ruins.

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