"What?" I asked as I turned around to see my mother. She approached us with her arms crossed. "Cheryl. It's one thing that you escaped the hospital when I was trying to help you. but now you're here, eating lunch with a serpent? Come on, we're leaving. I'm taking you home." My mom said to me as she went to grab my arm. Toni stood up from the booth, defending me. "She's not going anywhere with you." Toni said sternly. "Oh, like she'd be safer with a gang member? Right. I thought I told you to stay away from my daughter.You're just a snake. And a slut. You're probably only being nice to Cheryl so she'll sleep with you. Last night was the last night you two will be spending together." my hideous mother said to Toni. "Mom, stop!" I said as I got out of the booth. "Stop, why? It's not like this piece of garbage even deserves you. You deserve to be with a nice young man like Archie Andrews. He was good for you." She argued back. I could see Toni just look down and I could tell she was holding back tears. "Mom, I don't deserve her! She's too good for me but.." I began but just looked down. "but what? She's forcing you to do things with her? Cause I swear to god I'll call the co--" my mom began but I cut her off. "No, mom! She isn't forcing me to do anything. She's my girlfriend and I... I love her! Okay? So leave her alone! And for the record, she's not a slut. I am. I was. but she changed me. and she accepts me for who I am which is a lot more than I could say for you." I finished, realizing I just said I loved Toni. I looked at her and she just looked shocked as she then smiled and took my hand. "You'll come to your senses. If you want to date some serpent girl, that's on you. but I won't have my daughter living that kind of lifestyle." My mom said as she crossed her arms. "Then I guess I'm not your daughter anymore." I said sternly. Toni's grip got tighter on my hand but I just continued staring at my mother. Instead of saying anything, she just walked away from us. I let out a breath I didn't realize I was holding as I let a tear roll down my cheek. Toni pulled me into a hug as I just held her. 

3 hours later...

Toni's POV:

We were back at my trailer. We went back to the hotel earlier and brought all the stuff back to my place. Now that Cheryl's mom knew we were together and that she clearly wasn't at the sisters anymore, we decided staying at the trailer was ideal. I asked Cheryl to move in with me and she agreed to it. I still couldn't get what happened at pops out of my head. Cheryl said she loved me. That meant a lot to hear because no one has ever told me they loved me before. I was in a few abusive relationships, with both boys and girls, my family kicked me out when they found out about my first girlfriend, not like they even showed love to me before that, and then I joined the serpents. When I was 14. The serpents were like the only real family I ever had... but now I have Cheryl too. and that meant everything to me right now. I just wish Cheryl didn't have to lose her family too. Just then, Cheryl snapped me out of my thoughts. "Hey... you okay?" She asked. "What? Yeah. I'm great, actually." I said with a smile as I looked at her. "You wanna go to your house tomorrow to pack all your stuff up?" I asked. She just nodded and smiled. "Toni?" She asked. "Yeah, baby?" I said looking at her. "Y-you're not freaked out by what I said back at pops are you?" She asked concerned. I just took her hand and stared into her eyes. "Sit down." I replied as she did so. Once she did, I went over to my closet and pulled out my guitar. She looked at me confused but instead of talking I began to strum it. 

  How many times do I have to tell you
Even when you're crying you're beautiful too
The world is beating you down, I'm around through every mood
You're my downfall, you're my muse
My worst distraction, my rhythm and blues
I can't stop singing, it's ringing, in my head for you

My head's under water
But I'm breathing fine
You're crazy and I'm out of my mind

'Cause all of me
Loves all of you
Love your curves and all your edges
All your perfect imperfections
Give your all to me
I'll give my all to you
You're my end and my beginning
Even when I lose I'm winning
'Cause I give you all of me
And you give me all of you  

I finished the song as I then looked at Cheryl to see she had tears in her eyes. I put the guitar down and sat next to her and took her hands. "Does this mean--" She began but I cut her off by kissing her lips passionately. "I love you too." I whispered against her lips. She smiled into the kiss without breaking it and moved her hands up to cup my face as we deepened the kiss. I began to softly kiss her neck and sucked on it, leaving little love marks all over her neck. Cheryl's breath hitched as she let out soft moans. I then reconnected our lips as they were moving quickly and in sync. I changed my position, without breaking the kiss, so I was now straddling her. We kept making out, it was like... now that we both said I love you, we were just craving each others lips. I began to grind my pussy against hers as we were making out. I could feel her moan into my mouth. While still kissing her deeply, I slid my hand into her pants and stuck my fingers deep in her soaking wet pussy. She opened her mouth to moan, as I took that as an opportunity to slide my tongue in her mouth. Her hand went down to my ass as she grabbed it while I kept fingering her. Going faster and faster. I could feel her pussy tightening around my fingers as I kept going. Just then Cheryl's phone rang, "Ignore it." I whispered, she just nodded quickly and reconnected our lips. It wouldn't stop ringing and whoever was calling her kept calling her back. "Ugh!" Cheryl said clearly aggravated as she reached for her phone, me still straddling her. 

Cheryl's POV: 

"What?!" I shouted to the person on the other line. 

"Jeez, where the hell have you been." Veronica asked

"Busy. I was kinda in the middle of something, what's so important?" I replied.

"You and Toni just can't seem to keep your hands off eachother, can you?" Veronica joked. 

"What was so important?" I repeated as I rolled my eyes. 

"Well, Jughead, Betty and I all left the lodge like an hour ago and we're back in Riverdale and I just got a text from Betty saying to meet her and that she wanted to talk and I'm freaking out I don't know what to do." Veronica said from the other line.

"Just be honest with her, you guys are really close. She isn't going to hate you." I replied.

"I guess... alright I guess I should get to it then. I'll update you later to let you know what happens." V said as she hung up the phone. 

Just then I tossed my phone aside and looked Toni in the eyes. "Now, where were we?" I said with a smirk. 


((At Betty's house))

Veronica's POV: 

"We really need to talk about what happened between us, V." Betty said as she took a seat on her bed. I just nodded my head in agreement as I sat down beside her on the bed. "You first... why'd you kiss me?" she asked me. I just looked down, "Because I have this big stupid crush on my best friend that's why." I replied, still looking down. "Wait you... you have a crush on me?" Betty asked. I just nodded as I finally looked at her, "Ok, you're turn. Why'd you kiss back?" I asked, very curious for the answer. "because, I... I was high, V!" She replied. I just sighed, "Yeah, so? Betty... you took my shirt off." I said looking at her. "I'm not a lesbian! I love Jughead and nothing is going to ruin that." She argued. I just stood up angrily, "Yeah, well if you loved him so much, maybe you shouldn't have cheated on him!" I yelled as I stormed out of her room with tears in my eyes. "Veronica, wait!" I could hear Betty yell as she chased me all the way to her front yard. I kept walking away from her but she caught up to me and grabbed my arm, turning me around. "What?!" I asked, wiping the tears from my eyes. "I..." Was all Betty could say as she looked down. "Yeah." I replied as I rolled my eyes and started to walk away again. But once again, she turned me around but this time she connected our lips. The kiss lasted for a while before we broke it and I just stared at her confused. "I don't get it.." I said to her. "Me either. I'm confused okay. I do love Jughead. but with you, it's different.. I--" Betty began but I stopped her. "Hey, it's fine. You don't have to figure it all out now. I'll give you some space. Just, call me when you figure it out." I said as I kissed her cheek and walked away. 

S.L.U.T (She Loves U Though) #CHONI STORY!!Where stories live. Discover now