Drunk Confessions

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The reader gets drunk and no one can get her to leave the bar so they call her partner, Connor, to get her. He brings her back to her house and tries o get her to go to bed when she confesses her love to him and he starts to feel love. The next day when she sobers up and goes to work he asks her if he can talk to her outside. He explains he's feeling emotions and they kiss and stuff. :)


"Connor!" Hank yelled for his android partner. "You're needed at Jimmy's Bar. Y/N's there and no one can get her to leave so they want you to get her." Connor followed Hank out of the police station. "Lieutenant, I don't understand why they need me to get her." He said in his stoic voice. "Well you got me to leave the bar when we first met maybe you can get her to leave." Hank said, recalling the first time they met. Connor headed in the direction of the bar and walked in, again ignoring the sign that said no androids. "Hey Connor! What are you doing here?!"

Y/N smiled at Connor and took another gulp out of her cup. "Another one, Jimmy." Connor walked over to where she was sitting. "Miss. L/N you really don't need another. We should be going." He tried to get her to get up and follow him. "Don't touch me!" She yelled and when she realized she did she calmed down a bit. "I'm having fun. Just let me be. Jimmy please get me another." She sat back down and put her head in her hands. "I understand you're having fun but you've had enough." He grabbed her arm and pulled her outside while she leaned on him.

She got in the passenger seat of her car while Connor drove her home. During the drive she talked to Connor and only got short responses back. "Connor? Have you ever felt anything? Like an emotion?" She asked and Connor didn't reply. "Fine. Ignore me. See if I care. You're just an Android right! You aren't real!" She yelled. He stopped the car outside her house and she quickly got out. "Nothing matters anymore! All we're doing is trying to take away freedom of androids who want to be free! You're one of them! Why are you on our side?!" She yelled and Connor helped her to the door. She unlocked it and fell on the floor. "Just leave me here. Go back to the station." She whispered and closed her eyes. "I'll help you get to your room. Then I'll leave."

He helped her up and walked her to her room. She stumbled to her bed and flopped down face first. "Connor I love you. I know you can't feel or anything but it's true. I really do." She smiled and fell asleep. He took her shoes off and covered her with her blanket. He closed her door as he left. On his way back to the station he replayed what just happened and felt something rush through his body. He was feeling... love. The thought was quickly knocked out of his head. He's not a deviant.

~Timeskip to Next Day~

Y/N woke up the next day with a pounding headache. "Jesus, how much did I drink last night?" She checked the clock by her bed and jumped up. "Shit! I'm late!" She yelled and jumped up to get dressed. She brushed her hair and put on her shoes on the way out the door. "Fuck! I forgot my keys!" She ran back inside, grabbed her keys, and left for work. Her head pounded but she kept driving.

She walked into the station and quickly made her way to her desk. "Hey Y/N I heard you put up a fight with Connor last night. You alright?" Hank asked and sat at his desk which was next to mine. "I don't really remember much. I know I yelled at him when we got to my house about him being an Android and working with us. I was drunk." I rubbed my eyes and Connor walked in. "Y/N may I speak to you?" He asked and I nodded. "Outside please." She stood up and followed him outside.

When they made it outside she leaned against the wall and rubbed her temples. "What do you want Connor? I have a pounding headache." Connor looked down then back up at her. "Do you remember what you said last night? You were talking about love and after you said that I got a tingly feeling. I don't know if there's something wrong with my software or-" She cut him off by kissing him. "You're feeling love." He kissed her again. "I'm a deviant." He said but she quickly dismissed it. "It's fine if you feel emotions. It's normal." They smiled at each other.

I guess it's okay to feel emotions.


I know this probably isn't that good but I didn't really have a clear idea. I just wanted to get one posted real quick so y'all can get a good idea of how I write.
Love you all and feel free to request
~ Mae

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