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A/N: This is based off something that happened to my family recently.
You were heading to your old house to get your stuff because you just found out your boyfriend has been cheating on you for a few weeks. You decided to take Connor and Hank with you because they can help with the heavier stuff. When you got there he wasn't there thankfully so you could get your stuff in peace. "Can you guys bring the dresser to the truck while I bring the boxes?" You asked the guys and they nodded. When they were bringing the dresser out you followed with two boxes. When they got it in the back and you got the boxes in your ex showed up. "Just keep getting your stuff." Hank put his hand on your back and walked inside with you. The thing with your ex is that he's very violent and had anger issues.

"Don't take any of my shit you slut!" He yelled as you walked in. "Just ignore him." Hank tried to make you forget about him and Connor just looked confused when he heard him yelling. "Miss (L/N) who is that?" Connor was about to walk out when you grabbed his arm and stopped him. "That's my ex. Just leave it." You walked back into your room and grabbed another box and walked out to bring it to the truck. When he saw you he walked up to you and started yelling in your face. "What now bitch? Are you leaving now because you know I found someone better than you?!" He pushed you but you just walked around him and Hank looked pissed. "Don't touch her!" He yelled but you stopped him from doing anything because you didn't want anything bad to happened.

Connor walked past you and straight up to your ex. "Connor don't." You followed him and put a hand on his chest. "Oh so this is your new boyfriend? This fucking piece of plastic?!" He yelled at got super close to Connors face. Now keep in mind Connor is built and your ex is scrawny. It's like a chihuahua trying to fight a pit bull. (The actual words that came from my mom) "Leave him alone." You said quietly. "So this piece of plastic is more important than me huh?!" He pushed you out of the way and pushed Connor. Connor was about to punch him but you stopped him. Hank came up behind him and started to pull him back to the house.

That's when Connor head butted your ex and he fell. While all this was going down his aunt, who drove him, called the police. When they showed up they saw your ex on the ground holding his head and you and Hank trying to hold Connor back. The funny thing about this was that Connor had such a calm face. They ended up taking your ex to jail because he was running from the cops for a while and thanks to Connor they caught him so he didn't get destroyed. You finished getting your stuff in the truck and left to Hanks house where he agreed to let you stay with him.

"Thank you Connor. There was no telling what he would've done if you just stood there." You thanked the android and he nodded. Hank smiled at your interaction and went to the kitchen to get a beer. When he was out of eyeshot you kissed Connor on the cheek and went to the spare bedroom. Connor smiled and felt his thirium rise to his face.
A/N: All this happened last night and the ex was actually my sisters ex and he was angry all the time he did drugs and gave people illegal tattoos. The sad thing is we can't press charges because the police know my mom and don't believe anything she says. Plus he has a warrant so if they find him he's going to jail anyways.
But I love you guys and hope you have a lovely day ~ Mae

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