Part 9

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When Hisashi emerged from his bedroom, he saw Nao sitting on the floor at the table with her parents, laughing at something one of them had said. Her face was pink, telling him it must have been an embarrassing story about her. He was sorry he'd missed it - he always liked hearing stories about her early childhood with her family.

"Dai-chan", as they called him was in many of the stories. He'd always known that he and Nao had grown up close, having both been only children. At first it bothered him that Shinozaki was such a prominent part of her life - he could never hope to compete with a history like that. Eventually though. he realized that Nao had only a sisterly affection for Daichi. She treated him like a family member, much the way he himself now regarded Yuri. Hisashi was glad that Nao had had a protector growing up. He knew as well as anyone that she needed someone watching out for her. She had become more focused during the time he'd known her, but she was still likely to forget little things. He secretly checked her school bag every morning to make sure she had her train pass and the right books for that day's classes, thanks to a tip from Shinozaki. He'd never admit it, but Hisashi had taken great satisfaction in taking over that job. The thought had him smiling to himself.

"Uehara-kun, come sit with us!" Mrs. Yoshikawa broke into his thoughts and waved him over. He sat down across from Nao and between her parents.

"Who was on the phone?" Nao asked him.

"My brother. Takuya wants to take us all to dinner tonight. He'll let us know what time he gets a reservation."

Her mother beamed. "How lovely!" She nudged her husband across the table, "Honey, isn't that generous of him?"

"Yes, very generous." His tone said that he wasn't as impressed as his wife. "What's the occasion?"

Uehara hesitated before saying, "He just feels bad that, having been overseas, he hasn't met you in all the time that Nao and I have been dating."

Nao noticed that he wasn't looking anyone in the eye and suspected that he was leaving something out, but she knew better than to bring it up in front of her parents.

Her dad interrupted her thoughts. "If we're going to dinner tonight, I'm going to need to rest. Where are those futons?"

-I know this is really short, but I have something fun planned for tomorrow!   -KJ :)

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