Introduction: Dedicated

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Luxury Campbell

"I'm so SICK AND TIRED of your SHIT!"


Sighing I got up from the living room couch and headed towards the front door trying to proceed out. That was until my mama put her arguing on pause to stop me.

"Where you goin' baby?" My mom asked as she turned away from my dad. Her face was all scrunched up and if her skin was a light enough shade I'm pretty sure she'd be red.

"Outside." I responded and opened the screen door.

"Alright! Don't be out to long."

"Okay mama." I told her and went to sit on the front porch.

Her and my dad had been arguing for a good five minutes and I was pretty much tired of it. They argued over the most stupidest things. If my dad left the toilet seat up it would be an entire sermon. If my mom so much as cocked her head to the side my dad would raise hell and not put it down.

My elbows sat pressed against my knees watching the sun go down and the kids play in the street.

It was almost summer time. The time of the year the shorts along with sundresses come out. And most importantly graduation time. Lord knows I'm counting down for it.

"Look at her ass, looking all down and shit."

I looked up and saw my girls leaning against the white picket fence surrounding my house.

I laughed and stood up dusting my pants off. "What y'all bitches doing on my street?" I smirked meeting them.

"Damn we cant just come see yo' mean ass?" Willow joked playfully rolling her big button eyes. "Told y'all she was gone have a attitude."

"Hush Will. We just wanted to see if you wanted to walk down the street to get a snow cone?" My other friend Taylor asked with a sweet smile.

"I would but ya girl don't have any cash at the moment." I stuck my hands in my back pocket. It was true. My dad stingy ass only gave me five bucks a week and I blew that the first day I got it.

"We got you boo." My third friend Laci held up a ten dollar bill.

"You know my broke ass ain't have shit either." Willow laughed and I walked out the fence following them along the sidewalk.

These girls were my best friends. They been here for me through everything. Breakups, fights, hell whenever I wanna run away from home they let me stay at their house. We considered each other as family.

"So yesterday I pulled up at the gas station in my mama car. And y'all won't believe what the nigga did." Willow went on telling her story about some dude she'd met recently.

"What he do." The three of us said in unison.

"He paid for it y'all. Filled my tank right up hunny!"

"You mean ya mama tank." Taylor said bursting her bubble.

"You know what I meant dang."

Laci and I laughed shaking our heads.

"What you so quiet for Lux?" Taylor looked over at me as we walked down the block. They all had their eyes on me now.

"It's my parents." I sighed. "They arguing almost every day again."

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