I stepped out of the car and stood there staring at the house before me, the place I grew up in, the house that had been my home for eighteen years and all memories, both good and bad flooded my mind and I took a deep breath.

Chris came around and stood beside, placing his arm around my shoulders, when I turned my head to look at him, he smiled, "you ready for this Sisi?"

I looked at him for a moment, letting his words sink in, a few months ago, I was nowhere close to even transiting at the airport much less driving out to my mother's house. Now I was more than ready. I wanted to see my family, smell the familiar scents and be in my old room.

I smiled back at him, "definitely, I have never been more ready."

He lowered his arm slowly, "then, how about we grab the bags and go see your family."

I leaned back in the car and popped the trunk then we took the bags out and headed up the drive way. As soon as I got to the door, before I could ring the door bell, it flew open and my mother threw her arms around me.

"My baby is home, praise God, my baby is finally home." She was hugging me with desperation and I dropped my bags and wrapped my arms around her, I could tell she was crying and I wanted to comfort her.

"Don't cry mom, it's alright, please don't cry."

"Oh baby you have no idea how happy I am to see you, these are tears of joy." She finally released me and placed her hands on either side of my face and looked straight into my eyes, she was a little shorter than me, so I was looking down at her.

She tilted my head down and placed a tender kiss on my forehead; I smiled and felt warm and happy. I heard music and when I glanced up I could see a lot of people standing there, looking very happy.

The faces were all very familiar and I instantly felt uncomfortable, I was not ready for a party, but I had to put on a brave face.

My mom finally released me, "Oh my, where are my manners, you must be Chris." I saw my mom address him, and when he smiled and put out his hand to greet her she looked at it like it was some type of alien.

"Good heavens son, this is not a business meeting," she then moved closer and gave him a solid and motherly hug.

"Mom this is Chris and Chris this is my mother Faith" I was looking on and smiling at the pair in a deep embrace.

"It's a pleasure to meet you." He said looking down at her when she finally let him go.

"And you also, I hear that you practically saved my baby's life, so thank you."

"Well I wouldn't go that far, but I just gave the detectives something to work with."

"Either ways my dear, I am grateful to you for even that."

I could tell that Chris and my mom liked each other, and that made me feel truly happy. We then entered the house, at which point, I was hugging cousins and aunts, a few uncles and old friends and it felt as if my whole family as well as the town was at the house.

We finally made it to the kitchen and as usual the aroma was heavenly, my mom has always been the greatest cook in the world, and her food is amazing, so the familiar smells had my taste buds going wild.

"So look who decided to finally show up." I heard the familiar yet angry voice that was my brothers'; and although when I was much younger I idolized him, as I got older, it seemed like he could do no wrong and I was always getting into trouble, so at one point I thought I hated him.

I still looked up to him, and wanted to be like him, I just didn't know how and for that I got jealous and pushed him away, but he was still an amazing brother.

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