Sherlock x reader chatroom-anderson

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Greg has started a Chatroom

Sherlock has logged on

(Y/N) has logged on

New case?! -Sherlock

Sorry,no -Greg

(Y/N) why did I get a complaint from Anderson saying that you slapped him? -Greg

What? No,I'd never do that.. -(Y/N)

He has a red hand print on the side of his face

Okay,I didn't slap him that hard -(Y/N)

Hahaha! -Sherlock

So you did slap him?! -Greg

No,no,no,no,no. I just merely high-fived his face -


I'm sorry but is it to much to ask to get a picture of Anderson and his hand-printed cheek? -Sherlock

Greg has sent a photo to sherlock

Hahahaha!! -Sherlock

Your laugh sounds funny,love -(Y/N)

SHUT UP!! -Sherlock

Anyways,why did you slap him? -Greg

He swung at me! -(Y/N)

And why did he swing at you? -Greg

Well..he kept calling me a weirdo.. -(Y/N)

And? -Greg

And I told him that if he didn't stop then I was going to tell his wife the he was cheating on her with Donovan -(Y/N)

And that's when he swung at you? -Greg

Yup -(Y/N)

Well...guess I can't say he didn't deserve it -Greg

I'd slap him even if he didn't deserve it -Sherlock

Why? -Greg

Because he's Anderson -Sherlock

He makes a good point there -(Y/N)

"It's a crime scene,I don't want it contaminated" god knows that he probably already contaminated it by walking in the room -(Y/N)

Hahaha! -Greg

I'm afraid I must show this to Anderson now -sherlock

Please do,I'd be delighted to see his reaction -(Y/N)

Anderson has logged on

Oh snap -Greg

Anderson has been permanently kicked off the chat

Not as good as slapping him but it'll have to do -sherlock

Yes well I must be getting back to work now -Greg

Greg has logged off

Owner of chat has logged off. Server is shutting down

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