Page 2 LGBTQ+

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IF YOU ARE A LESBIAN, BISEXUAL, GAY, TRANS, PAN, ASSEXUAL OR ANYTHING PLEASE DO NOT LET ANYONE SAY YOU ARE DUMB OR STUOID AND DON'T LET THEM MAKE FUN OF YOUE SEXUALITY!!! I have been made fun of because I am bisexual.. i of course cried and yelled at them by you shouldnt do what I do this will be short because it is almost 1:00 in the morning but yea.... please dont let other tell you your wrong for your sexuality, or race, gender, religion anything because you are perfect and beautiful the way you are!! If you feel depressed  try listening to Black Veil Brides  they will be there for you as well as I will be because I love all you you readers no matter what.. in real life I have a awkward studder and I get made fun of.... i am so sorry if you feel bad then comment and I will talk to you and tell you some advice and tell you to what songs will help make you feel less depressed and happy.. I love you all so much see you in the next page! BAI BAI

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