to youth eith unrecognized potential

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To Youth With Unrecognized Potential

Oh wasted talent, neglected excellence,

how you enter the light every day, always leaving a black abyss

full of attitude, and rude remarks, offensive words that sting

long after you’ve crept back into your world of tenebrous isolation

we feel the effects, like a wave of negativity

you position yourself south of everyone comfortably north

repelling love, and understanding, but you’re not lonely

No you’ve found the ultimate alternative,

An imitation reality, like McDonald’s food,

Never quite  able to equal greatness, nothing worth praise, almost a waste

A great façade, a fake

Your glossy eyes and lethargic mannerisms tell all

Higher than life, Psh you don’t need us!

But don’t you know? Weren’t you told?

There’s a better way to get high,

why not… … take a drag of the cigarette of friendship,

or a hit of creativity?

These things will far surpass the boundaries of ecstasy

But no,

you sit

and you sleep

senses dulled

eyes glued shut

you reside complacent in a prison to which only you hold the key!

Don’t you know the greatness you could be?

I do because I can see, past the cloudy eyes,

beyond the stinging comments,

I can see the successful well educated man you continually refuse to be.

It hurts and pains me every day getting up from my seat taking the world away,

and on the desk where you used to sit,

is a pile of class work and lessons, that you call bullshit.

stop now, before the poison penetrates too deep,

save the dying man,

the long list of what you could be

times are tough and temptation is hard to fight,

just remember that salvation is close and it is in sight,

Ask for help and you shall receive,

let in the light and shut out the fog,

not one inky hint should remain,

time is running low, and faith is hard to find….

just once, sincerely try to open your eyes,

take advantage of the time that you have left

because when this years over,

it will be time well spent

poems for the heart and mindحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن