facing our fears

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I promised I would update and then I didn't. I'm so sorry, I got distracted and I'm kinda losing my memories of the movie and the characters-
I apologise. I'm trying my best.

Your POV

     "Let's go save Ben." Those words didn't come from my brain. They came from my heart, and I spoke them with my chest. There was a certain strength behind those words that I had never felt before, one that died long before I was left to raise myself. But it came back, all thanks to the Losers. I had found my people. Or rather, they had found me.

     We all stepped up in our friend's time of need. Ben was probably terrified, I mean, who wouldn't be at least a little scared of a clown that could shapeshift? After all, my first thought was "Fuck that thing." 

     I felt a poke on my left shoulder, and glanced over to see Richie with a mildly anxious expression etched into his features. "Uh, y/n? How are you being so courageous when literally 5 minutes ago you were backing out?" The corner of his mouth lifted up in a slight smirk.

     "Well," I put a finger to my chin as if I was thinking really hard. "I decided I didn't wanna be a little baby about it. That's all." Satisfied with my response, I smiled.

     Richie rolled his eyes, the motion magnified behind his huge, dorky glasses. "Okay, yeah. Whatever. I bet you hust wanted to look hot and brave for Eddie." His half-smirk turned into a full-on mischievous grin.

     "That little bitch." The sarcastic thought crossed my mind in a flash, barely holding its place before it faded. Now wasn't the time for that thought process. We had a friend to rescue.

This is the end of philophobia. They all died.

philophobia//eddie kaspbrakWhere stories live. Discover now