Chapter 4

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The remainder of their weekend was spent apart. Ginny had quidditch tryouts to arrange and advertise for, and Luna was often found talking with Hagrid about the latest magical creatures to inhabit the forest. It was spent with only fleeting glances and knowing smiles between them as they passed or happened to look up during meals. But still, the magic of their first kiss still bubbled in their cores, keeping each girl on the edge of her seat to see where it would take them next.

They next had an actual conversation on Monday, during an early Defense Against the Dark Arts class. With the Carrows gone, class was only boring, with the typical dread that had sunk in their stomachs like rocks suddenly lifted. No one feared for their own safety anymore. At least, not for the reasons they had a few short months prior. Ginny immediately took up a protective position next to Luna, earning some odd looks from their classmates that she made a direct point of avoiding. The young couple simply worked in a comfortable silence as they read through the assigned text and listened to the rather uninteresting lecture, with Luna taking diligent notes and Ginny playing with the Ravenclaw's pale locks. 

It wasn't until they were ordered to begin practicing the spell that they changed positions. Rising to their feet, the duo began to practice the lesson spell on their assigned dummy. Ginny caught on rather quickly, landing a successful blow early on, while Luna struggled a bit with really grasping it. Stepping in next to her, Ginny gently guided her motions. "It's a bit more abrupt than that, see? A bit harsher," she explained. The quick pause afterwards gave her time to lean in closer, enjoying the warmth that came from the contact. Luna blushed lightly, let out a twinkling giggle before heeding Ginny's advice. The spell was much stronger that time around, and both girls turned, smiling at the other. "See? I told you," Ginny murmured, her lips just barely grazing Luna's ear. 

Lunch found the lovers in an empty courtyard, having sneaked out of the Great Hall and out from under the unfortunately observant eyes of their peers. It was here that Ginny discovered how much she loves watching Luna eat. The smaller girl took her time with her food, really enjoying every bite, where Ginny took the "Weasley approach" at it and ate her entire meal within a few moments, drawing out that lovely bell like laugh from Luna.  She really loved that laugh. Ginny couldn't help but to let her eyes wander to Luna's lips, leaning in oh so subtly. Luna, ever observant of such subtle cues, took the lead on this one, cupping her girlfriend's face and closing the distance. Both girls melted into the kiss, savoring what they very well knew might be the last for a while, depending on when they would next be able to be alone. "Merlin's beard I've missed that," the redheaded girl managed to breath out,  a smile dancing across her now rosy complexion. She shot Luna a small grin before leaning back in for another kiss. Their lips had just connected when the sound of footsteps became a warning signal gone off seconds too late. "Weasley? What the hell are you doing?" The voice pierced through the suddenly cool September air and both girls instantly stiffened. Pulling apart, Ginny found her glare landing on one of her Quidditch teammates. 

"None of your business, that's what," she growled lowly, instinctively pulling her shoulder back and feeling herself shift in front of Luna. The Gryffindor boy, Adam Nulch, just snickered and shook his head.

"Wow. Not only is the great Ginny Weasley a total dyke, but the best she can do is Loony Lovegood. Now that's pathetic." Ginny shot up, her temper flaring as she stormed over, grabbing the boy by the collar. She was a moment too slow, however, as he was quick to swing a punch into her face. Staggering back, Ginny's glare grew stronger.

"I swear to God, Nulch, I will beat you with your own broom so hard you won't remember how to fly." Her fist went colliding into his stomach and he let out a grunt of pain, bending over before righting himself. Punches kept flying as neither realized that a large crowd had gathered to watch the display. They remained oblivious to said crowd parting to allow McGonagall and Flitwick through.

"Now, there better be a magnificent explanation for this." The Gryffindors froze at the all too familiar voice. Blood now covered both of their once white shirts. Neither had any time to notice much as they were escorted to McGonagall's office, much to the dismay of the crowd. In their fleeting moments, Ginny only knew that her beloved Ravenclaw was nowhere to be found.

"Ms. Weasley, Mr. Nulch, while I understand that you don't have to get along, I expected far better from both of you. Now, do you care to share what had caused the incident?" the headmaster questioned. Neither responded, with Ginny offering a slight shake of her head. Sighing, the former Gryffindor just stared at the pair. "Fine then. Two weeks detention, each. And 20 points each from Gryffindor. Now, go get those wounds properly dressed," she ordered. Both knew better than to argue and walked in uncomfortable silence to the infirmary. Nulch got away with a broken nose and some nasty bruises, while Ginny was facing a broken nose, some nasty bruising, and a cracked rib. Settling into the bed, she allowed herself to fall into a luckily dreamless sleep.

The redhead woke up with a killer headache, although all of her was sore, really, and a longing for her girlfriend. Glancing over, she was grateful and surprised to find said girl curled up on the chair next to her bed. Not wanting to wake her, Ginny simply scooted to the edge of the bed and intertwined their fingers, hoping that she wouldn't be in too much trouble with her favorite Ravenclaw.

Surprise! I'm back from the dead. I'm not sure when this will next be updated, but hopefully I won't disappear for another six months. I hope you all enjoy this one and please comment what you would like to see more of!

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