Chapter 1

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Fiery hair swayed back and forth as the soft hum of chatter began to quietly flood the train as its wheels began to accelerate and pulled out of King's Cross. Never again would Ginny Weasley experience the excitement of the beginning of a new school year. The tall girl found an empty car and sat down, sighing contently as her long red hair cascaded down her shoulders, framing her freckled expression. 

The quiet was interrupted a few too short moments later by the sliding of the car door. She startled up, only to see her comrade and classmate, Luna appear. "It's only me, Ginny. I was hoping you wouldn't mind me sitting. Everyone else said no." Her soft voice was met by a nodding head as Ginny sat up and moved her belongings to make room for her friend. 

"It's so weird not having Harry or Ron here," Ginny remarked. Luna nodded her agreement.

"Quite so. I hope Harry will be able to handle the nargles on his own," she chimed in. Ginny decided not to question the girl and instead changed the subject. 

"Excited for the Hallowe'en Feast this year?" Ginny questioned excitedly. She always loved being able to see the ghosts not torturing students, and of course, all the delicious food. She was a Weasley, after all. Luna only chuckled and nodded softly.

"You do love a good feast, don't you?" Ginny could only nod sheepishly, her cheeks turning a shade of crimson almost matching her vermilion locks. The sight made Luna grin victoriously. Ginny threw her hands up in defeat, laughing at her friend's enthusiasm.

"All right, you win, Lovegood. Just this once." She threw a classic Weasley grin to the blonde before checking the time. "We'd better change into our robes," the Gryffindor noted.

                                            ~Almost at Hogwarts~

The girls had continued laughing and telling stories of their summers until they felt the train begin to slow. Smiles slowly spread across eager faces upon departing from the Hogwarts Express. "Here we go."

Ginny grabbed Luna's hand in anticipation, and was shocked by the pleasant feeling it brought her. Her breath hitched for a moment as she tried to figure out the cause for the feelings surrounding her brain.  Why has she never felt this way around her good friend before? Fighting to keep from blushing, she glanced at Luna furtively for a moment, but couldn't bring herself to let their hands separate. 

Instead, she gripped harder as they climbed into the carriages. She gasped softly, and felt the tears well in her eyes. The thestrals were clear as day now, standing in front of her. "Fred," she whispered mournfully. She nestled her head into Luna's shoulder, tears falling silently onto the other girl's grey sweater. Luna soothed her and stroked the girl's hair comfortingly.

"They become comforting after a little while, I've found." Ginny's watery hazel eyes looked up at her petite classmate as she found such comfort in Luna's comforting pats. The school began to draw near, leading to Ginny sitting upright, not wanting to be seen in such a way.

The redhead sniffed and wiped away the tears. "Not about to look like a blubbering idiot before the year even begins," she muttered as they stepped down and entered the beloved school.

There were still repairs needing to be made, and signs of the battle that took so many of their loved ones. Again, Ginny found herself reaching for her friend's hand. Luckily, Luna didn't seem to mind. Those indescribable feelings began swimming through her brain again. With a sudden realization, Ginny found a name for them. Love.

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