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Lydia's halfway through her shift when the universe decides to fuck with her next.

She's been stocking shelves all day, nobody stopping in on such a dreary Monday afternoon. They've just gotten a new shipment of dystopian fiction, and Lydia's been wanting to get them out on a nice display since the order went out about a month ago.

There've been some walk-ins that Lydia's made nice with and tried to help find books, but they ultimately left without buying anything.

A customer actually does end up buying something towards midday, and Lydia helps ring him up. She's so caught up in conversation that she doesn't hear the bell over the door ring, and it's only when the customer leaves, purchases in hand, that Lydia realizes there's another person in the store.

A book slams down on the counter, and Lydia doesn't even catch the title, too caught up with the who of the situation. "Hey, Mila," Lydia greets, accidentally letting all of her confusion and curiosity bleed into her tone. "What are you doing here?"

"Uh, well something happened a little bit ago," Mila starts, joy etched all over her face, showing it's presence through her subtle bouncing, "and I'm not quite sure how to deal with it."

Lydia can't help but grin at her excitement. "That's very ominous. Is everything alright?"

"Yeah, yeah." Mila waves her off, and her gaze keeps dropping down to his book. "Absolutely. I just remember you saying something about the soulmate literature section here, so I thought I'd try my luck."

She casually slides the book across the counter and Lydia reads the title "So You Found Your Soulmate! Now What?" Her heart clenches.

"Oh..." Lydia's so caught up in the meaning, so caught up with the fact that Mila found her soulmate - somebody who isn't Lydia - that she can't reign in her complete sadness. Every plan she's had of wooing Mila and them being together against all odds - it's all tarnished. Their chance at loving each other is ruined. "Congratulations."


Lydia rings up the book silently, trapped by her thoughts. The idea that Mila's met her soulmate, and that person is decidedly not Lydia, it all hurts so much. She feels like she should be angry or jealous, but now she's just... sad.

Mila hands her card to Lydia, and she must sense Lydia's upset judging by the frown on her face. "Thanks Lydia."

"Have a good one - "

"You too, Lydia."

Lydia's suddenly angry when Mila walks out of the store, bag in hand. She has to know Lydia's feelings about her and throwing her own soulmate status in Lydia's face is unfair.

And for the universe to let Lydia so close to Mila only to take her away is just north of cruel.

Lydia wants to be happy for Mila.

She's not.

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