Chapter 5

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"Jimin....Jungkook....can you come here please?" Jin called out as he went back to the kitchen. Once they arrived in the kitchen Jin pointed for them to sit at in the chairs. "I'm gonna be blunt about this." Jin said while thinking 'screw the plan'. "Are you two littles are not? Because what I learned and researched, I kinda 100%, absolutely think you two are." Jin said as he was making dinner for the night. Jimin and Jungkook tensed noticeably and Jin turned around with a smile on his face. "Don't worry. It's ok if you are but if you two are doing this to tease Yoongi then it won't end pretty."

"No I'm not teasing Yoongi (Jungkook: Neither am I)." They both said different things at the same time. Jin nodded. "Good. So I ask again are you two littles?" Jin said with a light tone. Jimin nodded with a hesitant nod while Jungkook just stared at the ground. "Jungkook?" Jin crouched down in front of Jungkook and lifted his face up. Jin gasped out of shock when Jungkook suddenly wrapped his arms around his neck. "I'll take that as a yes." Jin laughed a little. "Alright go play. I have to finish up." Jimin and Jungkook left the room and went to play in his room. "No plan?" Namjoon said as he wrapped his arms around him. "No need." Jin said as he leaned into Namjoon as he continued to cook.

"We're home." Taehyung voice rang through the dorm. "Mommy......Daddy." Came Yoongi's voice as he ran to the kitchen. "Hi sweetheart, How was your time with TaeTae?"

"Don't bother asking him. He wouldn't talk but when he did it was barely words. When we went to this park, and thank god it was vacant, cause man did he throw a temper tantrum. All because I didn't bring his bottle and pacifier. Oh yeah,you need to make a doctor appointment for this kid because man did he lose the battle with his bladder while we out." Taehyung started to ramble. 'So maybe it's not because he regressed more.' Jin thought while he listened to Taehyung. "Other than that I enjoyed spending the day with him."

"Yoongi, is that true?" Yoongi nodded. Jin pulled his phone out and exited the dorm while dialing a number. "Let's give you a bath." Namjoon said as he led Yoongi to the bathroom to give him a bath.
Jin came in a few minutes later. "The doctor said bring him in A.S.A.P." Jin said as he ran to his room and got a bag together. "Jiminie, Jungkook, Mommy and Daddy are taking Yoongi to the doctor's ok. So be good for Hobie and TaeTae. Okay?" Jin said as he finished backing and rushed to put dinner on low while asking Hoseok to watch the food and to watch Jimin and Jungkook.

"Joonie hurry up the doctor wants to see him now!" Jin called out. "We're waiting for you." Jin turned around and saw Namjoon holding Yoongi who was wearing a shirt with shorts and he had a cute cap on his head with his pacifier in his mouth. "I forgot one thing though." Jin ran in the kitchen and grabbed 2 bottles. Jin grabbed the bag and ran out of the dorm. Namjoon came out behind him and they went to the parking lot and Namjoon placed Yoongi in the back while Jin was situating himself and Yoongi before placing the bag in the back. "Why the rush?"

"My baby is suffering is the reason I rush." Jin replied and took a quick glance at Yoongi. Jin called the doctor and told him that they were going to be there in 2 to 3 hours. "I'm worried about him Joonie." Jin said while putting his head down. "I am too Jin but as long as he know we got him and that we have him then everything will hopefully work out." Namjoon said as he held Jin's hand in his. Jin squeezed his hand. "I'm glad we're doing this together Joonie." Jin whispered more to himself then anything. "Same here."

Jin glanced at Yoongi and noticed how quiet he was. "Yoongi honey are you okay? You're so quiet." Yoongi shook his head. "Oh yea, you didn't eat all day today." Jin reminded himself and grabbed one of the bottles and pulled the pacifier out and placed the bottle in his mouth and lifting it up when needed. "Slow down sweetheart." Jin said and Yoongi did. Jin placed the pacifier back in his mouth. "2 hours left......." Jin said as he drifted to sleep still holding Namjoon's hand. Yoongi stayed up just looking around for 5 minutes until he drifted to sleep too.



"He got a WHAT?" Jin yell could be heard miles away.

"Calm down. Yoongi has a Urinary Incontinence. There are are three types Stress, Urge, and Overflow. He doesn't have Stress Incontinence but he do seem to have Overflow Incontinence which means he empties his bladder completely. His causes might be the following
Constipation, urinary tract infections, kidney or bladder stones
prostatitis, or inflammation of his prostate, interstitial cystitis, a chronic condition that causes inflammation within his bladder, side effects from certain medications, such as blood pressure drugs, muscle relaxants, sedatives, and some heart medications. Come back if he has trouble speaking or walking, weakness or tingling in any part of his body, loss of vision, confusion, loss of consciousness, loss of bowel control. But for now keep him in absorbent underwear." Jin just nodded numbly while Namjoon was listening attentively. Next thing Jin knew was them leaving the doctor's and headed home with a sleep Yoongi in the backseat. "Those tests really wore him out huh?" Jin turned his head to Namjoon. "Who knew that Yoongi had an Overflow Incontinence?" Jin asked Namjoon.
Namjoon shrugged and kept his eyes on the road.

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