Invisible - Justin Foley

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Request/Summary: Loosely based on the song Invisible by Taylor Swift. Clay is dating Y/N but her best friend, Justin, thinks she's better with him. 

Warnings: cursing, fluffy!Justin

Justin watched as you and Clay interacted with each other. He'd admit that you looked happy but Clay didn't seem that interested in you. He wouldn't make eye contact with you. He didn't even crack the slightest of smiles when you kissed him on the cheek and scampered away. Justin ran after you. 

"Hey Y/N!" He greeted, throwing his arm over your shoulders.

"Hey Justin!" You mocked in his same tone.

"So how's Clay?" He asks without skipping a beat. You pause for a moment, glancing at your best friend. He never wondered about Clay. In fact, you were almost certain that he hated Clay.

"Uh- he's fine..." Your eyebrows raised. "Are you an imposter? Where'd Justin go?" You joked, pinching his arm. He chuckled lightly, obviously not thrilled by your joking manner.

"I'll see you later, Y/N." He removed himself from you and took off down the hall. You tried calling after him but it was no use. Sighing, you walked to your third period class alone. 


"Clay! Wait up!" You called to your boyfriend, who seemed like he couldn't wait to get away from you. He glanced at you briefly before turning away. "Clay, what the hell?!" You yelled, shoving him. He finally faced you. "What is your problem?!" You didn't care that everyone was looking at the two of you. You just wanted answers. The silence is what really got you. He didn't say anything. "Fuck you, Clay." You mumbled, turning to walk away. He didn't stop you and that... Well, that crushed you.

"You're so fucking stupid, Jensen." Justin spat as he raced to catch up with you. You walked out of the front doors, desparate to go somewhere where you could be alone. At least for a minute. "Y/N!" You heard the familiar voice of Justin and you rolled your eyes. Alone actually meant alone. "He's a fucking loser." He said when you finally slowed down. You scoffed.

"Yeah, you've already told me that." You turned once again to leave but Justin grabbed your wrist, preventing you from doing so. 

"I only say it because he doesn't see you. You look  at him like he's Jesus Christ himself." You remained silent. "And he doesn't even make eye contact with you. He doesn't look at you at all!" Justin let go of your wrist and rubbed his face.

"He's going through some shit..." You tried defending Clay. Justin shook his head, shushing you.

"He doesn't get to fucking ignore you because he's going through shit, Y/N. You need someone who will care about you despite whatever shit is going on in his life." You smirk after hearing this.

"Did you have anyone in mind?" You flirted. Justin's eyebrows furrowed. He had no idea what you were referring to. "Oh my God, Justin! Just ask me out, already!" You giggled. Justin smiled.

"Okay, uh-" He cleared his throat. "Y/N, will you-?"

"Yes." You answered before kissing his cheek lightly. "Meet me at Rosie's in an hour." You walked off and Justin was left to wonder how he got so lucky.          

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