Date pt.2

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Lexa had kept a firm grip on Aria's hand as she led them through the streets to get to her place, what Aria wasn't expecting was for her to lead her to the posh side of Rosewood. The houses there are huge and only the richest people live there. 

"Did you rob a back or three?" Aria asked as they entered the estate. 

Lexa laughed at Aria as she blushed slightly. "I don't usually tell people about this on the first date but then again I don't ever take people back to my place on the first date but you're special." 

"What's so special about me?" Aria asked self-consciously and Lexa immediately wanted to make her feel better, to have her see herself through her eyes. 

"Everything." Came the whispered reply. They continued strolling in a comfortable silence until they came up to a gate with a security guard. 

"Hey Linc, how are you today?" Lexa greeted happily. 

"Hey, I'm good. You seem to be in an excellent mood, something to do with your unexpected guest there?" He teased. 

"Are you going to let us into my house or what?" Lexa ignored his teasing completely. 

"I saved her life, she's really clumsy and almost got ran over." Aria added in, trying to ease some of the tension and make fun of her newfound crush. 

"Holy shit, and I thought that last years stairs incident was bad."

"Neither of you say another word to each other." Lexa stated firmly, having had enough of the teasing. The pair just laughed at her as she opened the gate herself and hurried up the drive, pulling Aria in tow. "That was really mean."

"I'm sorry." Aria giggles clearly not being sorry at all. "How can I  make it up to you?" Lexa knew the game that she was playing and decided to get back at her in her own way as Aria looped her arms around her neck and brought her closer.


The smirk on Aria's face dropped and she let go of Lexa instantly. "What? But I thought.."

"Thought what, I was only aware that we were going to hand out like friends and order pizza."

"Right, friends." Aria repeats glumly. "I guess I better go then." The look on Aria's face breaks Lexa and she can't continue this facade any more so she begins to laugh. 

"Wait, I'm just kidding, I don't want to be your friend." Aria continues walking away and she can't figure out why until she realized that she had said the complete wrong thing to justify herself. "I wish to be more than that, if you wanted to that is."

Aria finally paused as she was around twenty feet away from Lexa. "You're a jerk."

"I know." Lexa smiled as Aria turned back around to look at her. "Now are you coming inside or what? I'm getting hungry." Aria's resolve broke and she couldn't help but let out a small smile as she waltzed back over to Lexa, a slight bit of anger still in her steps. 

Aria pulled Lexa up to the door by her sleeve, eager to order the pizza. Lexa tried to hide how many keys there were on her key-chain, not one to show off how much money she has, something Aria is starting to find endearing. "Why are you embarrassed Lexa? 

"Because this makes me look like a snob and an asshole."

"I disagree but seeing that blush makes me feel special and you look cute so I'm not gonna fight with you over it, not that I would lose." Once Aria finished Lexa directed her into the living room. At a quick glance it would just look like any other living area but Aria couldn't help but notice the lack of sentimentality it held. 

"I was expecting you to be the kind of person that would have thousands of pictures of your family and friends everywhere." Aria said almost questioningly. 

"My friends only take pictures with me when I'm either drunk or embarrassing myself, I try not to do either of those things." Lexa explained, purposely avoiding the topic of her family which was picked up on and let go immediately. 

They sat down next to each other on the couch as they order their pizzas, Aria deciding on Hawaiian whilst Lexa took a meat feast. "I've really enjoyed spending time with you today." Lexa states boldly. "Even if it was through strange circumstances."

"Me too." Aria whispers. "But now you have to tell me about yourself." She speaks normally this time. 

"Alright then, I mean, we are going to have to know something about each other if we are going to be going on more dates." She clears her throat as she thinks. "My friendship group varies a lot but I always go back to the same few people, I would trust them with my life, they're my rock."

"Same here, you met my close friends today, all except Alison who is dating Emily, the sporty one of the group." 

Lexa gets her phone from her bag that is by the doorway and flips through it until she gets a photo of her friends up. She points at each one as she explains who is who. "There's Monty and jasper, Raven and Anya, Bellamy and Octavia as well as Harper and Echo." 

"Okay, your friends are super hot, can I date them instead?" 

"Instead?" Lexa inquired, "We're dating now?"

Aria blushed at her mistake, she had only known this girl for a few hours and she is already thinking of dating her. "I..uh..."

"Alright girlfriend, we are going to see where this goes then and I promise that I won't hunt you down if we break up from moving too fast." The taller girl removed the tension and left the small brunette with a huge smile across her face. 

"That sounds amazing." Aria shifts closer to the taller girl and places a chaste kiss on her full lips, it only lasted for a second but it was full of passion. Lexa pulls her newfound girlfriend closer until she was leaning against her side snugly, much like how they were in the movie theater. 

"Would-" Aria gets cut off by the sound of the intercom blaring noisily. 

"Hey Lex, your pizza's here, I'm sending the pizza dude up to the door." Lincoln's voice echoed through the  house. 

"I'll go get that, wait here, I'll be back in a second and then we can talk." As Lexa stood she placed an innocent kiss on the crown of Aria's head. 

As she left the room Aria finally had time to think straight without her mind being clouded by the attractive woman she spent the afternoon with. They had only met a few short hours before and they are already dating. This is way too fast but when they are together it doesn't feel like it, It feels like coming home but it doesn't make sense because they haven't ever met before today. 

Her train of thought was broken by Lexa re-entering, hands full with pizza boxes. Lexa placed them down on the coffee table to check which was which before handing Aria her's. "For you my lady."

"Thanks." Aria immediately took a huge bite but had to fight not to spit it out because it was scalding hot. Lexa watched her antics, chuckling. She closed the lid and pointed at the writing on the box. 'CAUTION HOT'. 

"Not my most graceful moment." Aria chuckles once she swallows her pizza. 

"I hope I get to see many more."

"Oh shit, I just remembered what I was going to ask. Would you be open to meeting my friends officially now that we are going to try being an us?"

"Only if you're willing to meet mine." She bartered. 

"We could do it together, that way maybe they can maybe get to know each other too." Aria's eyes shone at the thought of her and her friends doing some normal things considering they spent such a long time chasing after A, thank God those days are over.

Lexa saw the expression on Aria's face and knew that she couldn't say no. This girl is going to be the death of her. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2018 ⏰

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