On Our Way

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Jonah stares at you and says nothing
Y/n: "What?" You smiled
Jonah: "Nothing, you're just so beautiful" he smiled, and then you blushed
Y/n: "Thank you"
Jonah drove you guys back home, you grabbed your bags and got in the house
Y/n: "Thanks for taking me shopping Jonah"
Jonah: "Yeah no problem, we should do it again"
Y/n: "Totally!"
You walked into your room and Corbyn came in
Corbyn: "So what did you get"
You showed him the clothes
Y/n: "Just these, and I didn't get any shoes. Maybe we can all go shoe shopping when Ashley gets here?"
Corbyn: "YES! I'm in desperate need of shoes"
Y/n: "Alright then loser good night"
Corbyn: "Good night y/n!"
Corbyn walked out of the room and you walked up to the door and locked it. You brushed your teeth and changed into pajamas and tried to go to sleep.

End of Chapter 23

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