I've never had a boyfriend and I'm 17! Part. 6

Start from the beginning

I looked straight ahead not even looking at him as we backed out of the driveway. I could feel his eyes burning holes into the side of my face. Finally I turned around and looked him dead straight in the eyes. I instantly regretted it. His eyes always had this affect on me. It's like he could see my soul or something and I couldn't speak. Plus he had the most beautiful eyes I had ever seen. I was so lost of them I didn't even know he had spoken.

"Sydney why would you call me a manwhore, after I explained to you that I don't do stuff like that?" I was stunned out of my daze. I just looked at him confused until I understood his question.

"Jake, you have to understand that if I didn't say something like that Josh would automatically think that we had a thing for each other and if he thought that then I would be alone at night and plus you have a reputation to uphold. I'm pretty sure you wouldn't want him to think that because, I'm only to sure that you are very fond of your freakishly perfect face." He looked over at me with his signature smirk on his face.

"So you think I have a perfect face huh? Which means that even though you don't show it you think I'm a sexy demon don't you?" I was shocked into silence by his question and assumption. I mean yes he was the sexiest guy I had ever seen but there was no way I was going to tell him that. His ego is already so big it would probably bust with me telling him that. So I decided to play a little.

"Jake when I'm around you I can barely control myself. I mean come on your so sexy I don't even know what I'm saying right now." I decided to play with him a little so I climbed over into his lap straddling him. He looked at me with complete shock written across his perfect features.

"Your absolutely right Jake I can't control myself around you. I might be on my knees sooner than you thought." I decided to take it to the next step so I lifted his shirt and started massaging his hard six pack. He eyes were so big I though they were going to bulge out of his head. I took my hand and started tracing it lower on his chest until it was at the tip of his jeans. I started kissing his neck and sucking on it. I thought why not give him a hickey? I heard him moan when I did this so I Iifted my head and looked at my work. Perfect it was big enough everyone could see it. I wasn't going to lose my first kiss to him so I just stuck with not kissing him on the lips. I looked up into his eyes and they had lust written all over them. I guess I'm better at this than I thought. I hurriedly climbed off of his lap with an evil laugh and jumped out of the car with my things. I was almost in the school when my best friend Ron came up to me.

"Hey, Boo Boo." Ron has called me that ever since we met. Ron is a really attractive guy he's about my brothers height and he has blondish hair with blue eyes. Ron is the best gay guy friend anyone could have. He totally helps me pick out my clothes all the time. I love him to death, becaue I honestly like gay friends rather than straight and he's way better that most of my girl friends. He is a great listener and he has fantastic tastes in guys. I have every class with him so we don't miss out on much together.

"Hey, Ron Ron!! Omg!! I missed you so much! Why didn't you come over to my house?"

" I missed my boo boo too!! It's just that I figured that thing called Jacob was there so I didn't think I would come." For some strange reason Jake can't stand Ron and vice versa. I really don't understand them sometimes, because Josh doesn't have a problem with Ron.

"Ron Ron, you know that whether he is there or not you are always welcome. Even though he lives with us doesn't mean he runs the place, besides Josh does anyways. You know how he likes to control everything." He smiled at that.

"Come on, Boo Boo we need to get to class before we're late." I followed him to our first period class. I hated math so much!  I understood how to do it I just hated numbers though. Finally lunch came around and I had already got my tray and was sitting down with my group of people with Ron. I needed to ask Josh something so I got up to go to his table and I saw something fly out on the floor in front of me. I didn't have time to react before I was attacking the floor. It hurt so bad I could hardly move. My face felt like it had been beaten with a brick. I could barely hear someone calling my name. They sounded like they were really scared about something. I was able to pick up my head to see Jake leaning over me protectively. I tried getting up but I couldn't. I hadn't noticed that I was crying until I felt a sting on my right cheek. The tears were burning my cut. I felt two strong arms go around my waist and pull me up so I was standing facing the person who threw the object I tripped on. To my utter surprise it was my cheer mate. She had always hated me and wanted to be captain as soon as I had got it. We had never liked each other but I was a lot more civil about it than she was. I was being held tight by someone but I didn't have time to look back to see who it was I was to busy glaring at Stacy.

I've never had a boyfriend and I'm 17!Where stories live. Discover now