Down with the bloody white suit!

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Hey guys. Chapter two is now up. This will follow the series very loosely to point. If you hadn't already guessed.

Sam, for the next week, was stuck in the routine of get up, shower, feed Gabriel, stare at the wall, sleep. He knew he was worrying Dean, he knew that Cas has taken to slipping him in to a deeper sleep away from his nightmares, nightmares of Gabriel knowingly breaking the bond and leaving. Of Gabriel calling him all sorts of names. He knew that Gabriel wasn't going to change without some sort of jolt.

What Sam didn't know was how much longer he could last in this stasis. The empty feeling had taken him whole, the pain of Gabriel's grace was burning him when it didn't feel the accompanying soul at the other end of the bond. His soul alone never stopped aching for Gabriel's and yet it knew that he'd have to face that potentially for the rest of his human life.

"Sam he's written Enochian on the walls, I'll read it out if you like." Sam followed Cas' voice into Gabriel's room, was covered in Enochian lettering and Sam could only pick out a few words, nothing that would tell him anything important.

As Cas started talking Sam stopped hearing the words. Gabriel had survived and not returned. He'd gone into hiding with Loki, there had been hookers, booze and gambling. Hed intentionally left Sam behind and the Lyn due to circumstances forgotten Him. He'd been sold off by Loki to Asmodoucheus as a grace farm for the selfish, power hungry demon.

Sam cried, he turned and ran out the room not knowing what was going on inside his own head. Images of Gabriel's story floated around his brain made worse by his own imagination. Dean had removed all his weapons so his old options were gone but Sam knew where there were some weapons just hiding away for his own breaking moments. He'd hidden them when they'd moved in. Just in case. Instead Sam found Dean and ended up collapsing in his arms, no longer able to hold back the wailing, heartbreaking sobs.

Dean was still holding Sam when both Cas and Gabriel walked into the library. Gabriel was talking and though not smiling he was certainly more lively then before. Neither brother knew what Cas had said or done to get Gabriel to this point but they knew that hopefully this would heal Gabriel enough to remember Sam.

It wasn't long before shit went sideways. Demons currently had Gabriel. Asmodeus had Sam and Dean against a wall. He was spouting something but Sam was too busy watching Gabriel. Withering, whimpering Gabriel. The demons dragged him up the stairs and then Asmodeus must have said something because the demons flew across the balcony and Gabriel was glowing.

His wings spread and he healed himself. Sam gaped at the arch angel as he learnt against the railing. He was stunning in his glory and Sam had missed the sight of him, confident, smug him.

"I always hated that white suit!" Gabriel said as he held out a fist and watched Asmodeus burn. Flames engulfed him and it was a sight to behold.

Now that shit wasn't sideway and Gabriel was somewhat back Sam tried to get him to stay. Get him to join team freewill. It didn't work and the last things Sam knew for that day was Gabriel leaving his parting lines, "I put faith in you last time and you won, I don't see how you'd fail me again."

He just teleported away. Gone. Vamoosed. No goodbye. No apologies. No thanks yous. Just gone.

Sam collapsed, his brain shut down and the bond ran riot through his uncontrolled body. Making him quake and spasm badly, his arms and legs uncontrollable as it tried to gain its other half. Cas ended up intervening, not just to help Sam but the look of sheer terror on Deans face alone would have made him do it. He'd do anything for his own bonded.

It would take two days for Sam to awaken and an hour after that before he demanded they get to work so he could forget, ignore, what had happened.


So I've changed this one a little bit and corrected some errors.

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