"Do nothing unless I command you!" Voldemort shouted to the Death Eaters.

I took the Death Eaters' panic as a distraction. I searched around for my wand and remembered that Cedric had it. I crawled over to where he lay, pale and still, and snatched the wand from his hand. . .his abnormally cold hand. . .

"Cedric?" I whispered, shaking his shoulders for him to wake. "Wake up, we're going to get out of here. We're going to be safe."

Cedric lay still.

"Cedric, come on, didn't you hear me? We're going to be safe, we're going back to Hogwarts." I whispered, knowing how happy he would be, how relieved. 'Cedric you need to wake up, though. I can't drag you."

Cedric lay still.

"Wake up now, Cedric, before the Death Eaters notice that I'm over here," I said, starting to get angry at his stillness.

I was starting to get scared. Why didn't he wake? Why couldn't I see him breathing. . .?

"Cedric?" I said again, my voice reaching a differant octive. "Cedric, wake up!"

I took his hand in both of mine and pressed two of my fingers against his wrist. No pulse.

"Cedric, wake up, now!" I hissed angrily, squeizing his hand. He didn't wake. "Cedric, this isn't funny! You better wake up now or I'll. . . I'll. . ."

Tears filled my eyes as I touched his cheek. He was as cold as ice, and his eyes were wide open and blank, they reflected the bright stars.

"Cedric please," I cried. "You promised. . . You can't brake your promise, please, wake up."

And then an unearthly and beautiful sound filled the air… It was coming from behind me, where Harry and Voldemort were. It was a song I knew, a song that I still dreamt about even after two years: Pheonix song.

In my second year, that song sounded like hope to me; as though it were telling me to keep going. But now it felt like it was the end.

But I can't be the end, I told myself angrily. Cedric was just being a git, he'll wake up; I know he will. . .

"Wake up, Cedric," I whispered, my voice barley audible. "Wake up, please. Please, Cedric, you can't go. . ."

I laid my head on his chest. It gave me no comfort like it used to, because the heartbeat I felt just a few hours ago when he held me was gone; the warmth was gone. To me, everything was gone.

"Cedric, please.  . ." My vision was blurred by tears, I felt them leak down my cheeks. "I love you, Cedric. I really do, please don't leave me. . ."

Cedric didn't reply like he usually did when I told him that I loved him. He wasn't gone, I knew that, he made me a promise. He said he wouldn't get hurt in exchange for me not getting into trouble.

But you did get into trouble, said a small voice in my head. Voldemort stunned you. You broke the promise, and now he is free to get hurt all he wants.

But Cedric wouldn't be hurt if it wasn't for Voldemort. I protested. Then, my mind clicked.


How many times was he going to hurt me? Emotionally and physically? He killed my father, then my mother, and now Cedric. Was he going to keep killing the people I loved until I had nothing?

Life was unfair, but it shouldn't be this unfair.

I lifted my head and stared through blurry eyes at the Death Eaters, who insisted on helping the man who was tearing my life apart.

My eyes burned red, I felt my eyes go dry and knew the tears weren't there anymore; the only evidence that they actually existed were the tear stains on my cheeks. I didn't even realise that I got to my feet until I was already ten yards away from Cedric's body.

I was storming over to the nearest Death Eater, only seeing a black outline, the rest red.

The headstone nearest to me blasted ten feet into the air before landing thirteen feet away from its original spot. The Death Eater I was heading to jumped at the noise and turned to look. I seen his blue eyes wide from the hole in his mask and knew instantly who he was.

My mouth opened and I heard my own voice, but it wasn't me talking; it was the monster clawing my insides, the monster Voldemort created.

"Crucio!" I heard myself hiss, my voice cold.

Lucius Malfoy crumpled to the floor, screaming and twitching uncontrollably. The other Death Eaters turned at his screams and rushed foreward to help him, raising their wands at me.

"Crucio! Crucio! Crucio!" I shreiked, all of the Death Eaters fell to the ground around me, twitching and screaming, their voice reaching octives that were inhuman.

I watched them in pain, loving every second of it. I wanted them to hurt, to feel the pain that they have caused me.

One by one their screams evaporated; after a while, they were all uncociouce. All of their bodies tiwtched feebly, and I still didn't drop the spell.

I heard a voice I didn't expect to hear at this place, I didn't think I would ever hear his voice hen I neared Death Eaters.

"Drop the spell, Nixie," my father, James Potter, said. "Drop it, before they go insane."

I looked up, not dropping the spell, and gasped in shock when I seen my father - all silver and transparent - floating a head above me.

"You're not like this, Nixie," James said softly. "You don't fight fire with fire."

Slowly, I dropped the spell. All of the Death Eaters stayed on the ground, not moving. I stared at my father hungrily, taking in every detail. He looked exactly like Harry, but more older and mature.

"Your brother is about to break the connection, run back to Cedric's body," James said.

That was when I seen a bright blue beam connected to James' ghosty figure. The light led to the dome around Harry and Voldemort. I seen other Ghostly figures in there too, but I didn't bother to look further into it.

"Go back to Cedric's body," James said, he searched my face, as though trying to remember every detail. I did the same with his. He was handsome, I thought, and looked exactly like Harry. I guess he never truly left me, he was always there, protecting me along with Harry.

 "You look exactly like your Mum." he said softly.

I gave him a watery smile before rushing over to Cedric. I clutched his body and looked up; Harry was coming. I outstretched my hand for his.

Harry's hand had closed on my wrist.

"Accio!" Harry yelled, pointing his wand at the Triwizard Cup. It flew into the air and soared toward him. Harry caught it by the handle –

I heard Voldemort s scream of fury at the same moment that I felt the jerk behind my navel that meant the Portkey had worked - it was speeding us away in a whirl of wind and color, and Cedric along with us… We were going back.

Harry Potters Twin Book FourWhere stories live. Discover now