Chapter Two

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Matthew had cut his hair with the scissors he had found in the kitchen. After successfully chopping off his matted locks, he spent hours brushing out what hair he had left. After finally finishing, he knocked out onto the couch.

"We've been researching for three weeks. There's still nothing on him." Sam muttered, pushing his hair out of his face.

"It's like he just appeared on the face of the earth!" Dean commented.

Sam shushed him and nodded his head over to his sleeping figure sprawled out on the love seat in the library. Sam stood up and laid a wool blanket over him.

The tall man had taken a liking to the young man. And so did Dean. Matthew had become like a little brother to them. They knew nothing about him and yet they felt the need to protect him and care for him. And so, they felt the most concerned when he would ask the brothers if he could join them on their hunts.

Matthew seemed to be a very worrisome kid. One day, he snuck into the impala to follow Sam and Dean on one of their hunts. He was caught immediately and was sent home before he could have a taste of danger.

You would think that any normal person would rather avoid ever encountering monsters again but Matthew wasn't like any normal person they'd ever met. He knew over 200 languages, including ancient and almost forgotten ones. He also seemed to have some medical background. Whenever the two would return to the bunker bloodied and beaten, he was able to efficiently patch them up. And much to Dean's liking, he was a great cook. Matthew was very talented but they had no idea how to figure out who he was.

"Maybe if we go back to that vampires nest and look for any of his belongings?" Sam suggested.

"We can't. I heard that after we killed all those vamps a group of hunters also found that cabin and burnt it down to get rid of the corpses." Dean muttered, running his hand down his face.

Sam groaned in annoyance.


Canada's POV

"Sam! Dean!!" I shouted, clutching my head due to a migraine.

"Matthew! What's wrong?" Sam said, hurrying to his side.

"You ok, kid?" Dean asked, in a concerning tone.

"I-I'm's just that, I was having migraines when an image popped up in my head..." I grumbled, letting out a shaky breath.

"An image?" Sam questioned.

I nodded.

"Yeah. It was a gas n sip..." I muttered.

"A gas n sip." Dean dead panned.

Sam shot him a look.

But then more images appeared in my mind. I grit my teeth in pain.

"W-Wait...I was at a gas n sip...and then I got a call from...someone named Alfred? I talked to him and asked him where he was...and then...." I stammered, attempting to decipher these vague memories.


"Alfred. Where the hockey puck are you??" I growled into my phone.

"Haha...about that...I kinda sorta realized that I left my wallet at that diner sooooo..." the voice nervously laughed.

I face palmed.

"So you just left me here???" I shouted.

"Well I was hoping that you'd just take a while in the bathroom and that I'd come back before you even knew I was gone..." he trailed off.

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